Other mistake: The body of a man is dropped from a plane into the sea with fake documents to mislead Germans. To convince the enemy that he's a soldier, cause of death needs to pass for drowning. The first drowned corpse viewed has no legs, so Firth keeps looking. He's told that a man who took rat poison to end his life is a good fit since the poison is undetectable. However, no mention is made of the fact that there is no sea water in his lungs - something any coroner would discover. (01:43:40)

Other mistake: Aerial views of JJ's outdoor sleeping/hiding box show his backpack distorted and tilted to the right (as if partly fallen over) but ground views are clear, showing the backpack upright as it should be. (01:07:37 - 01:08:05)

Other mistake: After completing a CIA sponsored operation in Syria, a helicopter comes in to exfiltrate the team. It lands and also takes off with full navigation lights and red beacons on. This would never be done in a combat area. Those light should have been off the entire time. (00:06:55)