Other mistake: Hutch states he had a "Suppressed H&K USP .45 at the back of his head. The picture shows a H&K USP 9mm. (00:58:40)

Other mistake: Towards the end of the end credits there's a "Special thanks" sections, including sponsors such as Fiat Chrysler etc. The first person thanked is "Leslie Finaly", a misspelling of "Leslie Finlay." (02:22:30)

Other mistake: When the (impostor) Sheriff came into Rosie's Cafe, the Waitress said, "Deputy Myers" and asked him how he was doing. The Sheriff asked about (Aunt) Rosie, who the Waitress said went home sick. The Waitress offered the Sheriff some pastries and was talking to him for a while. (The conversation was not disclosed at that time.) The Waitress didn't give any indication that she did not know the Sheriff, but the Virtuoso later asked her how she couldn't know the Sheriff in such a small area. (00:34:01)

Other mistake: Phone shows calls received at 10:28PM (which happened minutes before the scene) and yet the phone says it's 2:11. (00:36:26)

Other mistake: In a voice over, Casi said, " I am a public defender. And there are only 15,000 of me for the 10.5 million people who were arrested last year in America." The statistics may not be accurate (the FBI's UCR lists an estimated 10,085,207 arrests in 2019), but it is his general statement that is misleading. Not all arrestees will be represented by a public defender - many will hire private defense attorneys. The inference of a 1,000 caseload per year exaggerates the actual of 50-590. (00:01:09)

Other mistake: When Al Pacino reads the magazine (Grazia) with the news of Maurizio's wedding, the article is probably a reproduction (with the actors' picture in place of the actual Maurizio and Patrizia) of a news story about the actual wedding, so the details conflict entirely with the fabricated story. You can easily read (in Italian of course) that they met in 1971 (1978 in this movie), there are over 500 guests to the wedding (much more of a private affair here) and Maurizio had to ask some of his friends to introduce Patrizia to him and asked her out, which is the opposite of what happens here. (00:28:40)

Other mistake: The issued sidearm for the Spanish National Police is the H&K USP 9mm Compact, which has a capacity of 13+1 bullets, and the Civil Guards' is the Beretta 92fs/M9, which is a 9mm and has a magazine capacity of 15+1 bullets. As of 2020 the Beretta is being phased out for the H&K USP C. The police officer fires a total of 5 bullets from his Beretta then the slide locks back because its dry. He has no magazines for reloads either. I highly doubt the Spanish police issues 5 bullets to their officers. (00:33:00 - 00:35:30)

Other mistake: That old Mercedes-Benz would have never started, as the lithium-ion battery should be flat after 90 years of storage.
Suggested correction: You can see Booth starting the old Mercedes-Benz with a crank handle. No need for a battery. Back then, there were no lithium-ion batteries, but rather lead-acid batteries.

Other mistake: William Tillich (AKA Bill Tell) had one suitcase which could not possibly hold enough sheets (or thin blankets) to cover/wrap all the furniture in his motel room like he did. (His suitcase was not very large and also contained his clothes.) He covered an even larger area of furniture in Gordo's house. It isn't clear if he used his own sheets or just happened to find the same kind in Gordo's house.

Other mistake: When the men lift the body bag out of the boat, the body bag looks dry and there is no water dripping. (01:06:47)

Other mistake: The chances that no-one in the approaching truck - three men, including a man standing in the bed facing oncoming traffic - would notice that Danny had a front seat passenger are very low, if not zero. Even after Motley got into the second row seat of the truck, but did not get down right away, the men in the truck had turned around and were following Danny but still did not notice Motley. (00:10:00 - 00:10:27)

Other mistake: Blood gushed out of the bound man's lower inner arms that were slit with a knife from below the elbow to the wrist (then turned toward the ground). A switch to an aerial view showed no additional blood dripping (while he was still alive). Also, blood would not pour out of his arms to the ground in a horizontal stream like it did. (00:02:04 - 00:02:27)