Deliberate mistake: After the car crashes into the light pole and flips over. The top light is still functioning even though it's nowhere near the original spot.
Deliberate mistake: In the pitch dark mansion dining room, the approaching zombie's screams are instantly interrupted by silence whenever the flame from Chris' lighter goes out, and then the screams instantly resume when the light returns. While this is obvious artistic license, for the record the level of darkness would have no bearing on whether we can hear the zombie screaming.
Deliberate mistake: When King Shark grabs the guard from behind and eats him, he screams loudly, but nobody reacts to it, not even his buddy who just went left to fetch a drink. Later Cena and Elba kill 'silently' every other guard, but when they get to a group of three that Bloodsport yo-yos to death, it's pretty impossible that those three could have missed the carnage just a little off to the left. Then again, at the end a whole tower gets demolished without anyone noticing, so It'has to be deliberate. (00:33:05)
Deliberate mistake: The Virtuoso (up several stories in a building) would not be able to hear what the boy and his mother across the street were saying. The boy even started to say "Hey, mom" when he was still exiting the building. (00:11:41)
Deliberate mistake: When James started to fall off the ladder, he tried to jump to reach the other side. Thom grabbed his right hand with his and was able to pull him to safety. James' weight and the force with which he jumped and swayed would have most likely resulted in James pulling Thom over the edge with him, and both being seriously injured or killed. (01:22:26)
Deliberate mistake: The "Sixth Street Coffee" surveillance video footage of Zara disarming the barista's determined ex-boyfriend was different from the actual event when shown on Audrey's cell phone (recorded from TV news). The most obvious difference was that Zara never held the gun with both hands behind her and making a circular motion over her head before aiming at the man she had kicked to the floor. (00:08:10 - 00:09:45)
Deliberate mistake: When Max knocks out Jeff with a pool ball, he later wakes up with a VR headset on his face, and he is able to see his body and the outfit he is wearing within the VR environment. This is very obviously not how VR works - you are not able to see your own body while in VR, just the environment you're in. This might have been done deliberately so that Jeff was able to see his movements, but it's still a mistake. (01:05:10)
Deliberate mistake: Nora's car smashed through the (almost floor-length) windows in the police station and exited the building airborne - and stayed airborne long enough to clear a police car parked alongside the building (or curb). (00:27:05)
Deliberate mistake: The view looking out the windshield showed the man on the bicycle had stopped when he was in front of the car's passenger side, but the outside view showed the man still coming to a stop and then tilting his bicycle. (00:07:12)
Deliberate mistake: The F&F series always shows some amazingly advanced (and unlikely) technology; in this movie there is a big usage of electromagnets that are nothing short of miraculous. Not only they have a strength that would require them to have generators tens of times bigger than the cars they are on, and repel with the same ease as they attract; they also attract objects with varying° of precision and direction, all by turning their simple dial.
Deliberate mistake: Louis says to his opponent "Glock 17, 17 rounds." The opponent says back "I lost count." In modern semi-automatic handguns, especially Glocks, after the last round is fired the slide stays permanently open till a new magazine is inserted and slide is racked, or the slide stop lever is manipulated (depressed down). The slide can be closed on an empty magazine as well by the slide stop lever. (01:11:00 - 01:11:30)
Deliberate mistake: The Glock pistol the dying Russian assassin attempts to fire clicks, symbolizing it's out of ammo, or had a malfunction such as failure to ignite primer which is extraordinarily unlikely. His action symbolized a dry weapon. When a modern handgun in particular a Glock runs dry, the slide stop lever engages the slide and leaves the slide open until a new magazine is inserted and the slide is racked or the slide stop is pushed down. On a dry Glock the trigger can't be pressed until the slide is cocked. (00:16:45 - 00:17:30)
Deliberate mistake: When Kasady and his symbiote are fighting for control at the bell tower, they are reflected inside Venom's eyes...who is lying on his back in the middle of the cathedral and is nowhere near and at the totally wrong angle for a reflection like that to happen. (01:15:50)