Best horror movie trivia of 2019

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Critters Attack! picture

Trivia: The first "Critters" film to be rated R, as well as the first film in the series to not feature actors Don Keith Opper and Terrance Mann.


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The Dead Don't Die picture

Trivia: Hermit Bob examines a gravestone and leaves; the name on it is Samuel M. Fuller, homage to the filmmaker of the same name and always considered by Jarmusch as one of his favourites. (00:57:40)


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Doom: Annihilation picture

Trivia: References to the game series include: Weapons: the BFG 9000, shotgun and chainsaw Characters: John Carmack (co-creator and former lead programmer of the series), Malcolm Betruger (Doom 3's antagonist) and the ship's AI Daisy (the name of protagonist Doomguy's pet rabbit) Enemies: zombified humans, the fireball hurling creatures (called imps in the game) Quotes: "I'm too young to die", "ultra nightmare" (the easiest and hardest difficulty settings respectively) Additionally, the name William J Blazkowicz is a reference to William Joseph "B. J." Blazkowicz, the protagonist of the Wolfenstein series starting with Wolfenstein 3D, the game that Id Software created prior to releasing the first Doom game.


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