Other mistake: A female bull shark has between 1-13 pups. The exact number in the movie is questionable (due to their speed), but appeared to be well over the maximum 13 and perhaps closer to double this amount. Classified as "other" instead of "factual" mistake because the mother shark's DNA was altered, which could possibly explain a higher number of pups per pregnancy. (01:03:20 - 01:06:40)
Other mistake: The spacesuit on the cover of the film looks almost nothing like the suits that are actually in the film itself.
Other mistake: The "Ten Killer" slashed Katherine Hourback's face/head close to 50 times (off-screen), leaving her face covered in blood. When Dan found Katherine's body in his front yard, there was diluted blood on her face (mostly left side), but no indication that she had been slashed with a utility knife about 50 times. Also, during the slashing, the Ten Killer's "aim" seemed off (too high for a victim sitting in a chair and with no adjustment for how her head might move after each forceful blow). (00:45:05 - 00:46:53)
Other mistake: At the very beginning when Riley shots the dude in the head, the blood comes out but the bullet does not break the glass.
Other mistake: While Amy speaks with Bilel through Skype, each time Bilel is in the Internet cafe the same guy is sitting behind him.
Other mistake: While "dead" Mike is bent over his car's engine, his left leg moves. (00:32:40)