Tami Oldham: What's it like sailing out there on your own?
Richard Sharp: Miserable.

Matt Graver: You gonna help us start a war.
Alejandro: With who?
Matt Graver: Everyone.

Jack Mulligan: What I've learned from men like my father and your husband is that you reap what you sow.
Veronica: Let's hope so.

Curtis Farraday: You know you can get AIDS from looking through trash, right?
Tommy 'Eats' Eaton: Only way you're ever getting AIDS.

Malloy: Take this little problem here on your board. The answer seems pretty plain to me.
Evan Birch: Does it? Well, be my guest. Prove this chair exists.
Malloy: What chair?

Clare: Get me to the soldiers that came by this morning.

Oliver Hardy: You're not leaving, are you, Stan? The show must go on.

Gary Hart: This campaign is about the future. Not rumors, not sleaze, and I care about the sanctity of this process, whether you DO OR DO not.

Jonathan: The universe doesn't move toward chaos, it moves toward order. Things have a way or working themselves out.

Reggie Turner: How do you like your new name?
Oscar Wilde: Almost as much as I loathe the old one.