Character mistake: Dave's wife refers to McCall as his "Army buddy" - but the pictures in McCall's house on the shore show him to be a Marine. Not a generalisation a Marine would make.

Character mistake: Sandra Bullock's German is very good, but not perfect. She says about her husband, "Gestern hat er seine Schuhe in den Gefrierschrank gestellt," ("Yesterday, he put his shoes in the freezer"). Immediately afterwards, she says "seine Schuhe ins Gefrierschrank," ("He put his shoes in the freezer"). The word Gefrierschrank (freezer) in German is masculine and can never be preceded by the accusative case contraction "ins", the contraction for "in das." She just changed the gender of the word Gefrierschrank (freezer) from masculine in the first sentence (correct) to neuter in the second sentence (incorrect). (01:40:05)

Character mistake: At the beginning of the movie you can read the rules of the premises, in particular rule number 3 says; "No guns or any type of weapon permitted through the gates." However, the Wolf King's cronies dump their guns before the gate even when they were never supposed to be able to come in (so does Burke at the beginning, but he was trying to be admitted in). (00:07:15)

Character mistake: As Ron goes to tackle Connie (bomb scene) - he states "Colorado State Police" - not "Colorado Springs Police" - two separate entities.

Character mistake: When Riley is laying in the hospital bed and the detective introduces himself he addresses her as "Mrs. Norris." Her name is Riley North.

Character mistake: Daphne's mother is the one who pressed her husband to tell her the truth, but she is cheering when he says about the basketball anecdote that it was 'real', when later he corrects himself saying "real-ly me, disguised as a mascot." (00:17:25)

Character mistake: The conductors on Michael's train repeatedly call the seat check slips "zone stubs." Michael could make this mistake, but no conductor would.

Character mistake: When Big Nick and his team are first discussing the theft of the armored truck early in the film, Nick is eating and turns to one of his partners and asks for him to give him the "Pepto", or pepto bismol. You can see in this shot the bottle of pepto bismol is already sitting on the desk next to the guy, but then the guy opens the drawer and mimes the movements acting like he's pulling it out and setting the bottle on the desk. (00:23:25)