Trivia: There is a message left at the end of the credits of the film reading "The staff at the Hotel Artemis hope you enjoyed your stay and that you'll return soon." (01:33:20)

Trivia: When a member of the resistance destroys a truck with his RPG, the "Wilhelm scream" can be heard.

Trivia: The animators created many small flaws in the film in order to emulate the looks of old comics. This includes color separation and a slight double-image effect in certain scenes to replicate imperfect comic-printing techniques. While the effect was intentional, many film-goers who saw the movie in 2D actually complained about these effects, thinking they were accidentally sold tickets to a 3D movie. (Especially due to the double-image effects).

Trivia: The movie is set in 1987. This is the same year the original "Transformers" cartoon series ended.

Trivia: Sandra Bullock speaks German at the Met Gala - she's actually fluent in German, having lived in Germany and Austria for the first 12 years of her life. She gave an award speech in German once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BK1GlyGdm4.

Trivia: When Max insults Will Arnett by calling him a spinning Lego Man, it is an homage to Will's role as Batman in the Lego movies.

Trivia: There are several mid credit scenes in the film setting up characters for the follow up film, Rise of the Supermen. The first being the Superman Clone waking up and breaking out of Lex's lab, the second is John Henry Irons building his metal suit before taking up the mantle of Steel, the third is Superman's ship from when he was an infant flying to the north pole and creating the Fortress of Solitude with a mysterious figure dressed as Superman hovering before it, and the last being the Cyborg Superman flying towards the camera from space. (01:17:55 - 01:20:40)

Trivia: At the very end Paul points at a guy on the street with his finger as a gun just like Charles Bronson did in the 1974 version.

Trivia: The character of Kagan, the shaved head guy with the beard, is played by Jean-Claude Van Damme's son, Kris Van Damme.

Trivia: Although the post script states Dora Block was killed in the raid, she had been taken to hospital a few days earlier and wasn't present. She was murdered by the Ugandan Secret Police in reprisal a few days after the raid.

Trivia: There's a running gag about Burt wearing a new hat, and how it throws everyone off. And it's true - this is the first film in the series where he isn't seen wearing an Atlanta Hawks hat at some point. (Instead he wears a Chicago Cubs hat). According to the documentary on the Blu-ray of the original Tremors, Burt wore an Atlanta Hawks hat in the first movie because the production had been given a large stock of them, and thus a Hawks hat became a staple of Burt's costume throughout the franchise. Michael Gross himself, however, is from Chicago, and in 2016, between the production of the 5th and 6th movies, the Cubs won the World Series (as mentioned in this film). Thus, Gross, a producer on the films, switched to the hat of his favorite team to honor the championship.