Plot hole: When Sarah Paulsen pulls the necklace out of the water, the necklace clasp is obviously closed. Since the circumference of the necklace is too small to fit over the top of Anne Hathaway's head, why would anyone believe that it fell off her when she was running to the bathroom? The only way that could have happened is if the clasp (which we were earlier told can only be opened by a magnet) had opened. The trained security guards wouldn't have suspected something wasn't right about a closed necklace falling off over of her? They were following her. They saw that at no point did she lower her head on her way to the bathroom for the necklace to fall off over her head to begin with. It also could not have fallen off her when she was vomiting into the toilet in the bathroom since the clasp was closed. (01:18:25)

Plot hole: Robert first shoots the electrical transformer on the pole's top, then enters the bakery, slices the wheat sacks and uses electrical fans to create a dust cloud for a dust explosion. How are the electrical fans supposed to work after the electricity is cut?
Suggested correction: The transformer he shoots isn't the only one servicing the town.

Plot hole: How can Bumblebee and Optimus already have the car specs and colours before they leave Cybertron for the first time to come to earth? Optimus didn't have this when they came to earth in the first Transformers movie.
Suggested correction: First of all, this might not be the same continuity as the older Transformers films. Second of all, the cars on Cybertron might be Cybertronian vehicles. Optimus scanned the semi in the first film so that he could be a different vehicle than he already was. There is no reason this could not have happened.
I'd like to add that we know for a fact that this is not the same continuity. It is a reboot. See the Wikipedia article.

Plot hole: The entire plot hinges on the villain's gang obtaining the tablet that allows admin access to the building's systems. However, it can only be unlocked via facial recognition and it is keyed only to Will Sawyer's face. In fact, when they finally do get it, Xia unlocks it by holding it up to Sawyer's face. So what was the point of trying to steal the backpack containing the tablet? Without Will to unlock it, the tablet is useless.

Plot hole: Being transported from the west of Costa Rica all the way to Northern California by ship would take about a week. Are we to assume that Owen, Claire and Franklin were staying put in the back of the truck the whole time undetected? They would have to eat and use the restroom, at least.
Suggested correction: Maybe they did have to sneak around but the director thought making us watch Owen sneaking away at night to take a whiz wasn't really important to the plot.
It was established in the plot's timeline that the ship travelled overnight. A ship like this travels at about 12 knots and would take for them about 9 days to complete that voyage.

Plot hole: At the angle of descent and the speed it was traveling (still burning from reentry even), when the space shuttle crashed in the opening of the film, it would not have left much of anything behind. The kinetic explosion that would have resulted would have downed the forest around it for a good distance leaving a crater, and the clean up crews would have been lucky to find any piece of the ship itself still intact bigger than a football. Much less been able to find any discernible remains of the crew. Yet bodies were being taken out in still relatively good condition. And probably most unbelievable is that the glass containers holding the Symbiotes were not even broken.
Suggested correction: Since this is in the Marvel universe the capsule could have at least partially been made of Vibranium or Adamantium.
Adamantium is exclusive to the X-Men films which for the time being are under Fox, and Vibranium is exclusive to films within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This film is part of neither. There were rumors and speculation prior to this film's release that it would be adjunct to the MCU, but there are things within the film that contradict it. Particularly Eddie Brock being dismissive of the symbiote being an alien life form. An alien invasion was one of the major plot points of the first Avengers film, so an alien being wouldn't be something people would be skeptical of going forward.
Like Phan said. But also, i'm referring to the glass of the container staying in tact. Those two super metals don't make glass.
I just thought that although there can't be a mention of Vibranium, it doesn't mean it's not there. What I mean is if Vibranium softens the bow of the impact the glass containers would stay intact. But I suppose if it's not allowed to exist for the films, then I guess it doesn't exist. The glass can be nanotechnology though.
I see what you're saying, but that wouldn't mater with an impact like that. Space Shuttles are even made of Titanium, and would still be smashed to millions of little pieces from a reentry impact like that. The momentum and resulting kinetic explosion would devastate everything around it and level the forest for a good distance, leaving a massive creator, possibly as big or bigger than a football field. We are talking a few megatons of force.
This movie is not set in the Marvel Universe. It has been confirmed by the film crew that Venom is a standalone movie so it doesn't take place in the MCU at all.
I didn't say MCU, I said Marvel Universe. Some Marvel Universe anyway.
There's only the MCU and since this movie doesn't take place in it, the ship is probably only made from the materials that most rocket ships are constructed from.

Plot hole: In all scenes where special or heavy items are used against the sixers, they are 'zeroed' in waves or circles. This can be seen by their stations turning red in clusters. This makes no sense as the stations have fixed positions, meaning that the sixers would have identical positions in the Oasis and have no freedom or own will to move relative to each other.
Suggested correction: From a military point of view it makes perfect sense. AOE weapons would be most likely to hit members of the same squads, companies or battalions. It would make sense for squad mates in the oasis to stick together in stations as well. I just watched that scene. As long as the Sixers are trained soldiers or players it makes perfect sense.

Plot hole: One of the bank robbers, a former soldier, Ray Merrimen just got paroled 8 months ago for a previous felony. This film takes place in California. Convicted felons are prohibited by law from touching or owning firearms. Merrimen is at a public shooting-range with CCTV shooting his firearm. The police officer tracking him since he's a suspect in a new string of former and recent holdups walks into the shooting-range and they just stare at each other. He could've been busted and sent back. (01:03:45 - 01:06:00)

Plot hole: As shown when Robin comes under the influence of Slade's mind control device, the hypnotized people retain their abilities and higher intelligence, just with a loyalty to Slade. That being said, when Slade hypnotizes all the DC heroes, Superman and The Flash are among them in the theater. Slade orders all the heroes to chase after and destroy the Teen Titans. The Titans take off on foot with the others running after them and are able to keep their distance in a big chase sequence. Superman and The Flash never use their super speed to over take the Titans, which would have been so very easy.

Plot hole: Kingsley holds the only key card that can access the control room where the Captain is. He only has one card. He gives this key card to Rhodes so he can go up there and talk the Captain into not taking the sub to the surface yet, while Kingsley and his men head down to stop Scott and Taylor. When they employ the help of Marco and take out Kingsley and his men, Marco bends down and pulls the key card off Kingsley's neck so that now they have it... only Kingsley didn't have the key any more, as Rhodes had it and was still in the control room. A second key card magically materialized on Kingsley's neck.
Suggested correction: Kingsley only took the keycard from his neck to open the door and then hold it in his hand, so I guess he actually didn't give it to Rhodes. Just opened the doors.

Plot hole: As the evolved Predator's ship takes off it leaves Casey Bracket alone in hilly forest terrain. The ship then flies a long distance before crashing and the Predator and McKenna start fighting, just for Bracket to show up and help out of nowhere. Impossible for her to cover that distance that fast in hilly forest terrain.

Plot hole: The movie establishes the narrative that megalodons have been locked beneath a layer of hydrogen-sulfide and that the first sub to penetrate that layer is their own research sub, thus allowing the megalodon to escape the hydrogen-sulfide layer for the first time in modern history. So, how could there be a megalodon present to at the very beginning of the movie, which interfered with the protagonist's rescue efforts?

Plot hole: There is no way Anna could know that Hester was going to be at the auction. The circumstances that led to Hester and Tom being captured can't possibly have spread to the Anti-Traction League, they were immediately taken to the slave auction after being captured. Anna also instantly recognizes Hester when she sees her despite the fact that Hester was 8 years old the last time she would have seen her.
Suggested correction: Anna might have very well just been there to do anti-tractionist things, it was an auction made of towns after all a prime target to hit many options at once or hide bombs on for a bigger city to gobble up and go off later. Once she saw Hester her plans simply changed. As for how she recognized her, it is possible Anna had been tracking / keeping an eye on her. It wouldn't be impossible to ask around for a scar faced girl moving from town to town and might have gotten a pic somewhere.
These are all wild guesses that aren't confirmed by the film itself. They do not qualify as corrections.

Plot hole: On the plane they are told they have 2 mins to suit up, then once suited up they have a further 10 seconds before the rear door opens. 2 minutes is not enough time to put the equipment on to do the halo jump.

Plot hole: Robin of Locksley is going round town with his black servant John with a metal hand (the only black person in the village it would appear too). John subsequently gets arrested later for being affiliated with Robin Hood. Despite him being not only the only black person the village but also the only one with a metal hand, the sheriff of Nottingham does not realise that Robin of Locksley is Robin Hood or even question why his servant is involved in the rebellion.

Plot hole: Riley just could not hang the tree guys from the wheel by herself.

Plot hole: Waikiki is not supposed to know who 'Niagara' is and most importantly, he is supposed to think that the Wolfking and his men are there for him and Honolulu. Yet the moment the Nurse mentions that Nice is "with Niagara", his reaction is as if he always knew the Wolf King is a patient. (01:10:00)