Factual error: Our heroes find a boat belonging to shark poachers, smashed to pieces by the Meg. Floating about in the debris are the bodies of a number of dead sharks. Sharks do not have swim bladders and dead sharks do not float - they sink.

Factual error: Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock's "It Takes Two" was not released until 1988. This movie takes place in 1987.

Factual error: Aquaman lifts a submerged submarine towards the surface, which should start to sink again straight after releasing it, as its ballast tanks are still full of water. It shouldn't stay floating like that.

Factual error: During the plane ride into France, the Paratroopers are holding/carrying their weapons by their sides. In reality, their weapons (M1 Garands, B.A.R.s, etc.) would be carried in special "bags" strapped to their parachute harness. This not only protected their weapons, but also secured them to their person.

Factual error: Rhianna is watching a live feed of a man's office via webcam. We see a closeup of the screen. At the top it shows the filename being a ".jpeg." Jpegs are still image files, not movies, let alone live streams.

Factual error: The repairman was freeing the soldiers from inside the locked gate using bolt cutters. The terrorist noticed this on the video feed so they electrified the fence, shocking the repairman. This would not have happened because the bolt cutters have plastic handles just for that reason, to keep you from being electrocuted by mistake. (00:54:50)

Factual error: The country of Pakistan was shown to be part of the G12 summit member countries. But the G12 are Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and USA. (13 countries, but the name was never changed when Switzerland joined in 1984).

Factual error: When the order is given to activate the US Navy 6th Fleet, the warships are shown with their crews standing on deck in their dress white uniforms, which is only done when pulling in or out for a deployment, or ceremonial port call (fleet week). (01:33:00)

Factual error: After 7 years the battery on the video camera left by Lara's father should be dead.

Factual error: When Venom is standing on top of a tall building, he falls off as a jet airliner passes over head with its loud engines hurting the Symbiote with its noise. The airliner passes very close to the building. But this would not happen as it is as FAA regulations are that an aircraft can not operate within 500 feet of any structure. And an airfield/airport would be positioned so that jets would not violate this decree on their landing descent.

Factual error: The third key Easter egg was actually a color-changing flashing pixel in the Atari Adventure game. You had to grab the purple bridge (they looked like outward facing brackets) and go into a box in the lower left corner of the blue maze and move along the bottom left corner. In the movie, it was picked up in the invisible maze. The wall you walk through then flashes along with the pixel, and you may move through it as shown in the movie to see the author's name.

Factual error: Owen should be killed instantly by the volcanic ash at the island and he could not run fast enough in order to avoid it. (00:44:15)
Suggested correction: Volcanic ash is is not deadly to the touch and is not high in temperature. At worst it can be toxic if inhaled for long periods of time. There have been plenty of instances where entire towns were engulfed in ash and the residents were fine. What I think this mistake is referring to is something called Pyroclastic flow which is very deadly at 450°C and can travel 80 km an hour. Volcanic ash can sometimes be residue from pyroclastic flow but doesn't have to be precursors or remnants to it. The film never states whether it's volcanic ash or pyroclastic flow but since Owen as well as the dinosaurs inside survive it can easily be inferred to be volcanic ash.

Factual error: Dobermans were not introduced until the 1890s, let alone their ear cropping. (01:00:15)

Factual error: O'Brien ask the uniformed officers to "push back the perimeter" because it's too small. When a crime scene perimeter is established you can always shrink but never enlarge a perimeter because everything outside of it has all ready contaminated by other people, officers, press, etc. (00:18:45)

Factual error: The three plutonium spheres appear to be about six inches (15 cm) in diameter. At that size, and at 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter, they would weigh about 102 kilos (220 pounds), far too heavy to be carried around so easily.

Factual error: When the soldiers are in the woods looking for the wolf, they come across a group a deer that bolt between them and around them scared for their lives and spooked. The deer runs behind the soldiers and they look at each other wondering what happened. Then the giant wolf, Ralph, suddenly comes up from behind the soldiers and eats one. But the deer just ran towards the direction the wolf came from. Meaning the deer got scared, but chose to run towards the giant hungry mutant wolf.
Suggested correction: If you watch carefully, the deer run past them to the right and away from the direction of the camera. Then the wolf comes from right, but from closer to the camera. At the speed that wolf is moving, it was able to circle around them and then strike.

Factual error: Peter sneaks off the bus using the emergency exit window, which would have triggered an alarm when he released the red safety latch, ruining his stealthy escape.

Factual error: When Kersey finds his throw down gun and proceeds to practice with it, a bullet ricochets back at him. Lead will reflect off objects and continue in the same general direction or flatten out on a surface but will not bounce back at you. If it did, indoor shooting ranges would kill all of their patrons on a daily basis.

Factual error: It is absolutely impossible that the fire suppression system would still be operational at the end of the film. The fire would have destroyed all those systems ages ago, and even if the extinguishers / sprinklers themselves are resistant to fire, I doubt very much the cables that hook them up to the building's computer system survived intact.

Factual error: During the mid-credits scene T'Challa is addressing the United Nations about Wakanda's true nature. A Welsh flag can be seen among the other nation's flags, which would suggest that Wales is a separate nation from The United Kingdom - not the case.