Factual error: Johann Eck is dressed as a cardinal and Albrecht von Brandenburg addresses him as "Your Eminence" and kisses his ring. In reality, Eck was not a cardinal. Albrecht, however, was. It should be Eck showing deference to him, not vice versa. Albrecht was also only thirty, half the age of the actor playing him.

Factual error: A general court-martial is being held. A general court-martial, the highest level of military court, consists of a trial counsel, defense counsel, a military judge, and a panel that must have at least five officers. An enlisted accused can request a panel composed of at least one-third enlisted personnel. In this TV show episode there were only two officers and five enlisted personnel on the panel. (00:40:50)

Factual error: Two women come into town somewhere around San Luis Valley, Colorado with ring-necked Pheasants. The pheasants were brought into US a few times (East coast, CA) but really did not get established until late 1880s and in Colorado likely in the late 1890s (eastern and southwestern). The problem is it supposedly depicts the year 1880. They would more likely may have found some Gunnisons Sage-Grouse nearby or rabbits. (00:16:10)

Factual error: Every Time the Shadow Raiders deploy to Somalia, they use a Blackhawk nicknamed "Adele" for their missions. I can understand the helos being transported via fixed-wing aircraft, but on their last mission they leave Georgia, and reach Somalia the same day, flying in the Blackhawks. It would take them some 15-20 hours not including fuel stops. Yet the mission is completed in the time it takes to find a bomb in downtown Atlanta.