Plot hole: When Bridget phones Mr. Darcy, she is told that he has left and is in a taxi on his way home, so Bridget decides to walk to his house where she sees him get out of the taxi and meet his ex-wife at the door, and Bridget thinks they are back together. The problem with this is that she is heavily pregnant and she walks a fair bit across London - hard enough to do at the best of times - and that Mr. Darcy was already in the taxi going home, but she managed to arrive at the same time at his house.
Suggested correction: Mr. Darcy may not have gone straight home. He made have needed the taxi to take him to do an errand, he just doesn't mention this when leaving. Plus, there could have been heavier traffic that we don't see which he could have been stuck in.
Ever gone through traffic in London? During the day it's a nightmare. But in BJ Diary, Mark's mum tells Mark Bridget lives not so far from him, if I'm not mistaken.

Plot hole: At the end of Apocalypse the Umbrella corporation bombs raccoon City. It doesn't make any sense that they would do this with the entire Umbrella high command underneath the city, as we learn it is in this movie.
Suggested correction: The Umbrella high command is far underground and safe from the surface bombing. There's no mistake here.
Really? The whole point of the bomb was to destroy any evidence of what happened. That includes the hive.
The point of the bomb was to remove any trace of the virus. Meaning all the inhabitants, dead or alive. Not necessarily the Hive.
Yes but literally the head of company in Dr. Isaac's is located there. It makes no sense that they would bomb Raccoon City because according to Final Chapter they wanted the virus to spread anyway. This film franchise is filled with bad writing, crappy continuity, and plot holes.

Plot hole: When Norm is stuck under the satellite tower after disposing of the condos, he has flashbacks to numerous moments earlier on in the movie. One of the flashbacks is of Socrates saluting Norm, but the moment where Socrates salutes Norm did not occur until he was on the cargo ship being shipped off to New York and was something that he did not see Socrates do; there would be no way for Norm to have this flashback. (01:18:00)

Plot hole: Rafe is not a supernatural being, and besides not suffering any fatigue at all missing his sleep to do his pranks, some are outright impossible to execute and perform overnight for a person of his age (most likely for an adult in their prime too). Covering the entire hall and corridors, plus the principal's office, with post-it stickers requires a ridiculous amount of stickers to begin with, and arranging them creatively covering the whole walls, floor to ceiling, so that they create drawings, is an insane concept. Even more insane when it's the opening prank, anything he does later in the movie including the big movie finale requires less labor and time than his first act did.

Plot hole: When Eddie Mannix first views scenes from the movie Hail Ceasar there is a scene depicting Saul of Tarsus (St Paul), but the movie-in-movie's climatic scene and speech are set at the crucifixion of Jesus which happened several years before the events depicted as happening to Saul / Paul.

Plot hole: The CIA is desperately trying to find Pope's contact, to the point of doing the crazy experimental brain surgery shipping over the ocean the one scientist that may perform it, and an inmate. But they don't have Pope's house under surveillance or his phone tapped, so they have no idea Strook called him. The fact that Strook not hearing back from Pope would try to contact him was quite literally the most obvious possible event. (00:31:00)

Plot hole: Durotan's clan is the Frostwolf clan, orcs who ride big white wolves. The problem is...they are riding those wolves when they are in the human world, but those huge wolves made to be orc mounts were not with them when they crossed the portal from their homeworld. Unless the human world has the same wolves and they managed to tame them in record time, it's inexplicable.
Suggested correction: Once the portal opens hordes of orcs start running into the portal. Just because you didn't see any wolves among them doesn't mean there weren't any. They obviously brought their wolves with them. They probably entered through last along with some food and tools they might need.
We see the portal close once the sorcerer blows life into the baby and the whole invasion force is on screen. Those few warriors are all that comes through the portal, which makes sense given what he said about having limited energy to transfer only a few people.
No, no. I thought you were going to say that. Look at it again, when the portal closes there are orcs standing all around it, cheering. There are hundreds of them, you saw scores of orcs run into the portal as well. Surely there are wolves amongst them as well.
There is a line of orcs around the portal, yes (still few in the context of the invasion), but there are no wolves there either, no wolves heard howling or anything. I don't know: no wolves shown running into the portail, no wolves shown exiting the portal, no wolves standing amongst those around the portal, nor heard, not even with the chieftan of the tribe that rides them. I find it easier to think that they just made them up on the spot in pure "fridge logic" to homage the game (they are not seen in the movie much nor they have a really important role) rather than postulating that perhaps there's a wolf herder guy who brought along a few dozens wolves that happen to be hidden now amongst the trees.
It may be easier to believe that, but doesn't make it impossible. Just because you didn't see them doesn't mean they weren't there. It's plausible, therefore no error and certainly not a plot hole, certainly not since you agree they don't have an important role.
I don't find it plausible since there isn't the faintest hint of it shown in the movie in a scenario where we are supposed to see all their forces: if it did not make such a point of that, I am sure I could agree with you. It's not a matter of filling in blanks left by the movie, it's about contradicting what was on screen. It's easily (or logically, if you will: I use the word 'easily' in an Occam's razor sort of way) explained (and not justified) by the wolves being 'fanservice' homage in a couple scenes, which made them easy to overlook (because they forgot or because they did not care, we can't know that) when it came to planning the invasion scenes. I believe it fits the definition of 'plot hole' because however unimportant and cosmetic of an element it is, giving a character or a group of characters something that was not there before 'breaks' the movie world as represented. I am however fine with any other category, I wouldn't split hairs on that and I welcome your different opinion. :-).