Factual error: At the start Bruce Wayne runs into a massive dust cloud formed from the falling building. In the scenes that follow he and the other people have very little or no dust on them at all - they should be completely covered and choking on it.

Factual error: There would not be that many leaves still on trees in December in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The snow looks very fake and sprayed on in some shots.

Factual error: The film is mostly set in Moldova. Early in the film, the general remarks at one point that insurgents are near the Russian border to the north. However Moldova does not border with Russia at any point in its geography. It only borders Ukraine and Romania.

Factual error: At the road block scene, the state trooper is wearing brown boots with his uniform. There's not a state trooper in Texas that wears brown boots in uniform. Black trooper boots are part of the Texas State Trooper uniform.

Factual error: The main plot is that a teacher answering a student's question about Jesus in a historical context starts a legal firestorm. This is utterly preposterous. Teachers (and students for that matter) are 100% allowed to discuss religion in a historical context. They just can't do things like force other people to take part in religious activities (like prayer) or "endorse" a single religion above all others since public schools need to remain neutral. There'd be literally no case against her.

Factual error: Godfrey's sister discovers that Catherine Zeta Jones is a spy by making a telephone call to a Paris fashion house. As France was occupied during the period of the film, such a phone call would have been impossible.

Factual error: At the end, when Vanessa is thrown off the helicarrier, it's easily 200 foot down for her. Even if the tube is strong enough to survive that and all the debris falling on top of it, she's not strapped in, meaning she would smack every which way and probably break every bone in her body.

Factual error: The police are circling the theatre to find out where Johnny's escaped father is. During this, you can see that Mike is getting pulled upwards towards the copters like a piece of metal getting attracted to a magnet. Helicopters create downdrafts - Mike should've been blown away from the stage rather than being pulled up.

Factual error: Kevin Spacey states that his company's new tower is the "tallest building in the northern hemisphere." The tallest building in the world is in the northern hemisphere - the Burj Khalifa, which has held that title since 2008, and is about 830 meters tall. Judging by the size of the new tower compared to the other buildings in New York, this building appears to be only 600 meters tall. (00:04:30)

Factual error: The boy cuts through the tree lights with metal scissors to free the girl but doesn't get electrocuted. (01:13:30)

Factual error: When Reacher is talking to Major Turner's lawyer Col Moorcraft he is wearing Military Police Corps insignias (Crossed Pistols) on his uniform, not the insignia of the Judge Advocates General (JAG) Corps (Half Wreath with arrow and sword) which is what an Army lawyer would be wearing on his or her uniform.

Factual error: In Istanbul the caption reads "7:53 PM" but shadows shows it is actually between 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. (01:37:50)

Factual error: Shortly before the EMP bomb is activated, the crate containing it is shown. "Diese Seite Oben" is painted on the box, which is a bad translation of "This side up." In Germany crates only use the word "oben" to indicate the upper side of a box.

Factual error: When Tripp enters the garage and we see his truck in progress, he states that the truck will have 425 horsepower. The Hemi pulled out of the Terravex truck is not a 6.4L Hemi (only a 5.7L Hemi) and even if it was a 6.4, they only produced 410 horsepower in the heavy duty trucks. The 5.7L Hemi makes 375 horsepower in the trucks and 390 horsepower in the cars.

Factual error: Saroo is in Melbourne in 2008 (as indicated by the text at the beginning of the scene). As Saroo and Lucy walk down the street on opposite sides, a red Nissan Qashqai is seen driving past. That car didn't come out until 2013.

Factual error: McVay gives the order to cease zigzagging, full speed ahead, but the Japanese sub commander gives the target speed of 12 knots for the torpedo solution. The Indianapolis was capable of a speed in excess of 30 knots.

Factual error: When Jake Gyllenhaal confronts one of the suspects in the shed and wakes up (several hours later) after being knocked out cold, he moves the dead guy's arm. Normally, bodies stiffen up after being dead for several hours, but when Tony (Jake) moves the other guy's arm, it is not stiff at all.

Factual error: A few scenes in the movie show Roman cavalrymen using stirrups, which were not used by the Romans until several centuries later.

Factual error: He goes to the shop at night (after 2am) to purchase alcohol when the fire happens. There is nowhere in any of the surrounding areas you can purchase alcohol at that time. Even if he drove to Boston and back (which would take 2 hours not the 30 minutes stated) I still doubt he could purchase alcohol at that time. It's not legal in Massachusetts.

Factual error: The main character is being wooed by Lockheed - an aircraft company, whose representative then gives him gifts for his kids - one of which is a desk model of an aircraft, however it is of an aircraft produced by one of Lockheed's competitors - Grumman, which would be akin to a GM rep giving a toy Ford Mustang as a gift. Both companies continue to remain competitors as Lockheed-Martin and Northrop-Grumman since the government vetoed a proposed merger back in 1998, and at no time have the two companies collaborated on a major project.