Factual error: During the 31st year of the Avalon's voyage, the ship passes close to the star Arcturus, which is about 37 light years from Earth. Later in the movie, it was stated that the Avalon was moving at around 50% of the speed of light. The ship would not have reached Arcturus in the time allotted.

Factual error: In the movie, we see the Statue of Liberty with its current bluish-green color. The statue only got that color over time, and as it was still being built, it should be its original brown.

Factual error: In the first scene where Dr Strange is preparing for surgery he uses improper surgical gowning technique breaking aseptic protocols. Strange puts on a mask after washing his hands, contaminating his clean hands by bringing them in proximity to the non-sterile environment of his face. Surgical masks must be worn before the full washing of hands. Another error is that he inserted his hands all the way through his gown to don gloves. Hands must never leave the sleeves and gloves must be put on with the sleeves still covering.

Factual error: A theater marquee is visible promoting the showing of a film called Tribeca Follies. The acronym "Tribeca" - an amalgamation of "Triangle Below Canal [Street]" - didn't come into usage until the 1970s.

Factual error: When they are trying to navigate the shuttle through Eadu, the shuttle abruptly collides with a rock, which causes Bodhi to jolt backwards. If the shuttle hitting the rock had caused the shuttle reduce speed so abruptly, in the way that was shown, then Bodhi would have jolted forwards, not backwards. (00:57:05)

Factual error: The film shows cactus and agave plants in many scenes - those plants were imported from the Americas to Judea 1800 years after Jesus.

Factual error: As the X-Men land in Cairo, scenes reveal the destruction Magneto is wreaking around the world, where it is simultaneously daylight in New York, Sydney and Cairo - it is possible for it to be daylight in two of these locations at once, but not all three. (01:46:00)

Factual error: During the ceremony on Liberty Island at the end of the movie, Chief Vincent wears three stars on the lapel of her dress blouse. In actuality, an NYPD chief would wear stars on her shoulder plate.

Factual error: The way surveying is done is plain stupid. Percy Fawcett sets up a transit in the middle of a thick jungle, Henry Costin stands 10 feet in front of him holding the rod in one hand and a notepad in the other, then Percy looks through the transit and somehow reads the geographic coordinates out of thin air. This scene repeats couple of times during the movie.

Factual error: The EMP burst would have only affected a small number of vehicles. Most vehicles act like a Faraday Cage.

Factual error: As Moana ages from a toddler to 16 years old and her grandmother ages and gets grey hair, Pua the pig and Hei Hei the rooster do not age at all. Hei Hei should not even be alive, considering roosters normally live just six to seven years.

Factual error: At the start we see some neon tetra in the background. Tetra are fresh water fish. Not saltwater. (00:05:00)

Factual error: Virtually all of the CGI animals in this film are rendered at about 150% of their natural size. Additionally, even a small gorilla could tear the strongest human limb-from-limb, so Tarzan wouldn't have lasted two seconds in a hand-to-hand combat with an alpha male gorilla.

Factual error: At the start Bruce Wayne runs into a massive dust cloud formed from the falling building. In the scenes that follow he and the other people have very little or no dust on them at all - they should be completely covered and choking on it.

Factual error: At the end, when Vanessa is thrown off the helicarrier, it's easily 200 foot down for her. Even if the tube is strong enough to survive that and all the debris falling on top of it, she's not strapped in, meaning she would smack every which way and probably break every bone in her body.

Factual error: When Reacher is talking to Major Turner's lawyer Col Moorcraft he is wearing Military Police Corps insignias (Crossed Pistols) on his uniform, not the insignia of the Judge Advocates General (JAG) Corps (Half Wreath with arrow and sword) which is what an Army lawyer would be wearing on his or her uniform.

Factual error: When Tripp enters the garage and we see his truck in progress, he states that the truck will have 425 horsepower. The Hemi pulled out of the Terravex truck is not a 6.4L Hemi (only a 5.7L Hemi) and even if it was a 6.4, they only produced 410 horsepower in the heavy duty trucks. The 5.7L Hemi makes 375 horsepower in the trucks and 390 horsepower in the cars.

Factual error: When the characters are drowning on stakes in the ocean there is a modern yacht in the background.

Factual error: When the boy sends the letter, it already has a postmark.

Factual error: When Pete is riding on the back of the school bus and jumping on top of the bus in the background a New Zealand style Give Way sign is seen and also on the left hand side of the road. The film is set in the USA so this should have been on the right hand side of the road. (00:34:00)