Revealing mistake: While Poe leads the aerial assault on the oscillator, in the closeups of Poe and other X-wing fighter pilots, note the cockpit windows at the pilots' left and right have identical marks and scratches in their individual X-wings. It's particularly noticeable when one closeup follows another.

Revealing mistake: When Benji imagines putting on a mask of an agent he plans to impersonate, when the camera pans around to first show the mirror, the mirror Benji's hands are further up on his face than the reflection, and the mirror Benji's hands move down his face slightly before the reflection starts to move them. Also, the mole that Ethan has on his left cheek isn't reversed in the mirror image. The "mirror" was actually a hole in the wall between two identical sets (one mirrored), with Simon Pegg and a Tom Cruise double in the foreground, and the mask actor and Tom Cruise in the background "mirror" set. (00:57:20)

Revealing mistake: Inside Jurassic World's main control room, Chris Pratt looks at a view screen depicting a paramilitary team tracking down the escaped I-Rex. In an homage to the film Aliens, the screen is complete with POV cam footage and heart rate monitors. Unfortunately, the FX team didn't catch the fact that all four people are shown having identical heart rates. Ridley Scott made the same mistake in Prometheus. (00:44:00)

Revealing mistake: When Warren begins shooting Bob, a massive blood spurt is shown each time he shoots him. Each time he is shot, the blood spurts don't line up with the area where Warren shoots at. The first time Warren shoots Bob, the gun is showing firing at his stomach, but the blood is shown spurting from his chest and the second time he shoots Bob, the gun is fired at the top of his chest, but the blood spurts come from a couple of inches below where he was shot. (01:57:00)

Revealing mistake: In the first scene where Natalie is checking her phone whilst driving, you can see the gear stick is in the park position and the speedo is on zero, suggesting the car is on a trailer for this driving scene. (00:01:55)

Revealing mistake: In the London scene, when the main characters prepare for the Centipede attack (the scene with the football players) there is a grey Land Rover which has a fake UK number plate on it. Plus since the film was filmed in Canada, the car also has left hand drive windscreen wipers.

Revealing mistake: After Jesus saves the woman from being stoned to death, members of the crowd drop their stones, but the stones bounce back up when they hit the ground.

Revealing mistake: In Garabedien's office, supposedly in Boston, the top shelves are full of the Dominion Law Reports, all Canadian legal cases, with the Canadian publisher's name prominently displayed. Below that is long shelf of environmental law reports, an odd thing in a criminal lawyer's office.

Revealing mistake: When Maleficent freezes the people in the church, the actors can't help moving.

Revealing mistake: When Tomas and Brenda are avoiding the big pile of stuff down in ground in the elevator, there are wires visible pulling them.

Revealing mistake: When Captain America is fighting Ultron in the truck, for a brief moment you can see a safety line holding actor Chris Evans as he's hanging on the side of the cab of the truck.

Revealing mistake: When Imortan Joe's body is thrown from the car by Max at the end, if you look closely when the crowd rush in it's just his costume there and no body.

Revealing mistake: A man is taking a picture of his family in front of the Rocky Balboa Statue but his disposable camera is facing the wrong way. (00:16:00)

Revealing mistake: Opening scene: in the first shot where the murder victim is fully visible and the camera zooms in a little, the supposedly dead victim is obviously breathing in (his chest is moving a lot). (00:01:05)

Revealing mistake: Right at the beginning of the film "rain" is falling on the car the camera shows before it moves to focus into the tunnel. However, look at the cars behind it, they aren't wet at all and it's visibly sunny. It's water being poured onto the car directly in front of the camera.

Revealing mistake: When a force 10 gale is blowing and the CGI snow is horizontal... ... none of the trees move one bit, not one.

Revealing mistake: When the twins are born neither baby has an umbilical cord attached to them. Also the baby girl has a bellybutton.

Revealing mistake: When Mark builds his HAB greenhouse, he surrounds the growing area with sheet plastic. Later, when making his first attempt at lighting the hydrogen to produce water, there is a small explosion, which throws Mark back across the HAB. Given that an open-air explosion will produce a 360 degree shock wave, there should have been a noticeable disturbance to the plastic sheeting throughout the HAB, but the only disturbance we see to the plastic sheeting is the location where Mark is blown into it.

Revealing mistake: Near the end, during the night-time bridge exchange scene, the Americans enter from one end of the bridge and the Soviets enter from the other end. Suddenly, the Soviets switch on multiple flood lights directly behind the Soviet party, which should have cast shadows from their bodies dozens of meters in length. Instead, the shadows from the Soviet party are quite short, only a couple of meters, indicating that the primary lighting is out-of-frame, far above their heads.

Revealing mistake: When the semi trailer is coming at them sideways down the highway, the trailer is missing 4 wheels. The tandems do not have their inner dual tires on them. Perhaps this made it easier to slide the trailer sideways.