Deliberate mistake: When Quinn is texting the boy next door, he responds too quickly for it to be real. She sends the "So you think I can stop traffic, huh?" text and gets a response within literally two seconds. She then sends the "Did I wake you up?" text and gets two responses within five seconds. Texts usually take several seconds (at least) to be delivered and opened, so even with great service and lightning-fast fingers, this is obviously far too quick.

Deliberate mistake: The wrecker used in this film is a Western Star Model 4964. The manufacturer emblem (a chrome 5-point star superimposed on a large "W") is normally displayed at the top-center of the truck's radiator. Apparently, the film makers could not bring Western Star on board for an advertising agreement, or Western Star specifically objected to their logo appearing in the movie, because the Western Star emblem on the wrecker's radiator is carefully kept out of frame or otherwise obstructed from view throughout the film. For scenes in which a full frontal shot of the wrecker is unavoidable, the Western Star emblem is very deliberately covered up with dark green tape.

Deliberate mistake: The snacks in the vending machine were almost to the top of each display shelf, but an interior to exterior view showed the lab researcher's head unobstructed and a foot or so clearance between the snacks and the top of the shelf. (00:06:30)

Deliberate mistake: In the opening, the kids are looking up at the floor boards. Uniform light seeps through, but as it turns out, the house was small and swarming with an angry mob carrying torch. The light is not really compatible with that scenario, and in fact when the scene is shown later again, the lights are warmer and you can see the torches flickering. It's most likely a trick not to give away exactly what was hunting the kids in the basement. (00:01:00 - 01:11:20)