Omar: People that have limbs that are amputated still feel the pain in that limb, even though it's not there. That's the pain that I feel. Every time you look at me... I see his face, I feel that pain, and I see him looking back at me.

Bangun: Only a fool argues for the pride of a dead man.

Rusty Nail: Learned that from a hockey ninja.

Kat Connor: I miss fucking you.

Samuel: You can't get rid of the Babadook.

Jim Bennett: I could stand here, stark naked, and I could yell AS loud AS I want, and nobody would care.

Lone Wolf Morales: After our friend kills those kids with the trombone, who does he go after next?
Chief Deputy Tillman: In the movie after the trombone killing there's a double homicide at a farm house.
Lone Wolf Morales: Every damn house out here is a farm house.

Dennis: Kylie, it is the drugs you have not taken that concern me the most.
Kylie Bucknell: What are you talking about?
Dennis: A year ago you were diagnosed as bipolar.
Kylie Bucknell: Yeah, to get in the sickness benefit. Everyone does it.
Dennis: Going off your medication can be very dangerous.
Kylie Bucknell: Dennis, I think you will find my mental state is pretty sound compared to the maniac that is living in our fucking walls.

Sarchie: You see, Father, as we speak every day, out there, someone's getting hurt, ripped off, murdered, raped. Where's God when all that's happening? Hmm?
Mendoza: In the hearts of people like you, who put a stop to it. I mean, we can talk all night about the problem of evil, but what about the problem of good? I mean, if there's no God, if the world is just "survival of the fittest," then why are all the men in this room willing to lay down their lives for total strangers? Hmm?

Todd White: Hey self, what is it, twenty five years in the future and I just know you are playing in the NBA now and are super rich. And you also have a super smoking hot cheerleader girlfriend, so what are you hanging around here for? Why don't you head up to your penthouse and bang her good, bro.
Trey: That's your time capsule message, Todd?
Todd White: Huh... why not?

JR: Here's some proof that the bonobos aren't dying out.