Omar: People that have limbs that are amputated still feel the pain in that limb, even though it's not there. That's the pain that I feel. Every time you look at me... I see his face, I feel that pain, and I see him looking back at me.

Rusty Nail: Learned that from a hockey ninja.

Six: People like to blame me, but I'm just a witness. The things that I see would make angels weep. And they have wept.

Kat Connor: I miss fucking you.

Rayford Steele: I know you all want answers, and believe me, so do I.

The Babadook: You can bring me the boy.

Neville Baraka: What about your family?
Jim Bennett: I got all I could get.
Neville Baraka: Can I get the money from them? If I send you to Mexico, you know, 'Oh my God! I don't know what happened to him!' Get my friend Valario to mail 'em your dick.
Jim Bennett: My family don't make the money because they pay up easily.
Neville Baraka: Apparently that's genetic.

Jami: It was crazy of me to think I could help the police, but I'm going to keep researching, keep writing, there are stories that need to be told, so.

Sarchie: You see, Father, as we speak every day, out there, someone's getting hurt, ripped off, murdered, raped. Where's God when all that's happening? Hmm?
Mendoza: In the hearts of people like you, who put a stop to it. I mean, we can talk all night about the problem of evil, but what about the problem of good? I mean, if there's no God, if the world is just "survival of the fittest," then why are all the men in this room willing to lay down their lives for total strangers? Hmm?

Johnny: You'd be smart to kill me now.

Todd White: Hey self, what is it, twenty five years in the future and I just know you are playing in the NBA now and are super rich. And you also have a super smoking hot cheerleader girlfriend, so what are you hanging around here for? Why don't you head up to your penthouse and bang her good, bro.
Trey: That's your time capsule message, Todd?
Todd White: Huh... why not?