Question: Megatron was brought back through the body of Galvatron because his head was recovered, although Optimus Prime previously stated that Transformers' memories are stored in their Spark in their chest. Wouldn't this mean Megatron would not have any of his memories from before?

Question: Why do they still have gravity when Romilly asks Cooper to turn of the spinning, when they neared the wormhole? The centrifugal force stops, but on the inside there is still gravity.
Chosen answer: They do not still have gravity. Romilly is actually floating, but nothing is ever shown from behind his back, so the floating is gone unnoticed. In fact, during some shots of Romilly, you can see his feet floating behind him.

Question: In the beginning, Thomas wakes up in the Box which is moving up. He discovers an animal in the cage. It looks like a black pig. The pig apparently isn't shown anymore in the rest of the movie. Why the hell is the black pig in the Box?
Chosen answer: It is just part of the supplies that is sent up each month, along with a new boy. Everything the maze residents have has been supplied to them. That includes rudimentary tools, vegetable seeds, food, and various other supplies and equipment. The pig is just livestock that will likely be butchered for meat.

Question: Why is there a derelict battleship beneath the bridge? It is easily identifiable as one because of its 2 front main cannons. No battleships are in service any more with any navy in the world.
Answer: There are many mothballed and museum warships in harbors all over the US and a few still have operable engines. People would try to flee major cities infected with the plague by any means. Or even if the engines were out maybe a tugboat was pulling a derelict full of refugees and the Navy destroyed it to maintain quarantine or it was cut loose and sank.

Question: When the soldiers were skydiving into the city why did they have red flares attached to their boots?
Answer: Due to the storm, it became difficult for the soldiers to see one another. The flares were used to help them keep track of their positions during the skydive.

Question: Pierce asked Cap if Fury told Cap that Fury was the one who bugged it, but what did Fury bug?
Chosen answer: They were talking about the apartment Steve Rogers lives in. Pierce is saying Nick Fury bugged Cap's apartment, one of his own agents.

Question: Were the headphones that Evan Peters wore in the Pentagon escape scene available in 1973?
Answer: If you're referring to the behind-the-head headphones, NO! They were introduced in 1997: http://coolmaterial.com/roundup/history-of-headphones/.

Question: Why is Ronan able to hold the Infinity Stone? Isn't he a mortal like Peter?
Answer: As a Kree, he has superior physical and mental strength that allows him to briefly hold the Infinity Stone, just as Peter held it briefly. But if he had held it longer he would have been destroyed, although he would be able to hold it longer than most. This is why he was trying to embed the stone into his Cosmi-Rod.

Question: When Cage enters the dam building something past the plant moves. What is it? Looks like a mop head.
Answer: It must be either a piece of equipment that someone noticed was in the shot, and tried to move out of the way in time. Or some sort of reference marker for Tom Cruise to take a cue from and point his gun at.

Question: How can Murphy still be alive if he doesn't have a heart?
Chosen answer: He most likely has an artificial heart or some type of system that circulates his blood, this system doesn't necessarily have to take the shape of a typical human heart. However if his biological heart is still functional, it may be behind the lungs.
Answer: Watch again the scene (s), especially close to the end when his armor is reverted to silver and just between his lungs; his heart is just behind his lungs and beating, though if you blink you might miss it.
Except the heart is located in front of the lungs, not behind them.
Why Murphy's heart isn't where it should be in a normal human is up to speculation-perhaps the transformation into a cyborg necessitated it's being repositioned, perhaps. The heart is there, though.
Normally, yes, but who's to say they didn't have a reason to move it behind his lungs when they rebuilt him?

Question: Which Robin is it in this movie? It's hard for me to tell. His personality is kinda like a mix of Jason Todd and Tim Drake, but he talks a lot kinda like Dick Grayson and fights with a staff like Dick from Teen Titans. So I can't quite tell which Robin it is.
Answer: Tim Drake.
Answer: Optimus was being dramatic when he said it contained their memories. Transformers don't carry their memories in their spark any more than humans carry theirs in their soul.