Other mistake: At the beginning, when one bad guy is sitting on a bench with a newspaper, we can read the date October 21, 1959 at the top. But, we also read Nov 3 1970 on the same page, under the mugshot of the Boss being released from jail. (00:04:20)

Other mistake: The sex tape was only filmed with one camera (on the iPad) however, when Jay and Annie watch the tape back together at the end of the movie, it is filmed from more than one angle in some parts.

Other mistake: During the pub fight scene, the guy who got hit with the glass cup (Wound on his forehead), pulls a six shooter out of his pants, but he fires eight bullets at Harry's umbrella.

Other mistake: Will's rating increased by 5% because he saved Annie from being run over. A guy happened to be filming it happening and uploaded it online, but the uploaded footage is shot from two different angles.

Other mistake: In the scene that Callaghan's daughter went into the portal, there is a track for the capsule to go into the first portal, but there was no track for the return portal.

Other mistake: Since the vacation was supposed to be for Dick, Jen and Dick's five kids, the hotel suite kids' room should have had five beds, not four.

Other mistake: The size of Dave's sub is too small for all the rooms it contains especially the cargo hold with hundreds of penguins and cages.

Other mistake: At the beginning of the film when April sees the foot clan braking into the shipping container, it is pouring with rain, yet her hair miraculously remains dry all the way through.

Other mistake: When Mr. Peabody is fencing with Robespierre in the sewer, the sword goes flying up and causes the manhole cover to go flying up too. But then the manhole cover falls through the opening to land on Robespierre. There's no way a round manhole cover can fall through its own opening.

Other mistake: Spoiler... When Stu Cobbler (Martin Starr) is revealed as the murderer, he goes to Gia's apartment to kill Veronica. Upon entering, Cobb has to disable an alarm with a digital touch pad, requiring the use of his fingers. However, he uses the metal barrel of the gun.
Suggested correction: Touchscreens don't need human skin to work. Capacitive touch screens just need something conductive (that's how touchscreen styluses work), and metal is conductive (albeit likely scratching the screen). But you also get resistive touchscreens, which simply detect pressure, and anything works on them.
Other mistake: When Gator chuffs past Percy during the Our Tale of the Brave song, the second to last truck in his train is not rendered properly on the rails.

Other mistake: The lost cape from the mini soldier was blowing out of a return air duct that was actually sucking air in to an air filter.

Other mistake: In the first scenes of the film, we see the truck in which Jenco and Schmidt are going and moving away from Ghost, but while the truck is running we see Ghost inside it, sitting in front of the driver.

Other mistake: During the driving scene in the woods with the Bronco, at least two shots are reused twice.

Other mistake: In the flashback to Richard's childhood, when he looks from the door at his dad randomly shagging a party guest, the door appears open wider in the POV than it is in the other shots, where the opening barely fits his head. Besides, with the head in that position, he wouldn't see the door handle as shown. (00:02:00)

Other mistake: The clock on the kitchen wall was at 5:03 PM when Donna asked, "Where the heck can they be?" After an outside scene and returning to the kitchen, the clock was still at 5:03 when Donna said she couldn't find her camera. The battery in the clock could have been dead, but the display time was what could be expected around dinnertime (suggesting the clock was supposed to be in working condition). The "non-advancing" clocks seem to be a common occurrence in movies. (00:10:20 - 00:11:18)

Other mistake: The grave that Clinton dug for "Mouser" was not even close to the recommended minimum depth of 3'. After placing the box in the hole, the cat's remains would have been within about a foot of ground level, which was close enough for the cat's scent to attract animals which might/will dig up the grave. The roots of Mouser's favorite tree should have interfered with the ability of Clinton to dig there without obstructions. Also, some states or local ordinances prohibit backyard burials of pets. (00:24:28)