Visible crew/equipment: When the young lady is trying to drag her dead husband away to bury him, as she takes a hold of the blanket you can see the covered wagon in the background and someone's legs behind the wheel begin to move to the right. She was suppose to be alone except for her dead husband. (00:34:00)

Visible crew/equipment: When walking into the vault at Chernobyl, a cameraman is reflected in one guy's gas mask visor. (01:02:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When the agents arrive at the Four Horsemen's apartment to arrest them, in the shot where Dylan exits the car, the reflection of the boom mic is visible in the other car's window. Try not to be confused with the bird flying around in the reflection - the mic is still visible next to the bird. (01:15:00)

Visible crew/equipment: Just after Kitai left the tail section of the ship, he is seen walking through some leaves from top down. The camera crane shadow is visible on the leaves. (01:19:20)

Visible crew/equipment: The telescopic handle of a boom mic is visible in the reflection of the right window during the questioning of the gay butler in the penthouse. (01:03:05)

Visible crew/equipment: After the jewelry heist, outside in the backyard when Ross looks for Parker, the camera crew is visible through the window, about three or four shadows appearing on the window reflection. (01:42:35)

Visible crew/equipment: When they are performing the exorcism at the end, there is often a white marker by the rear right (viewer left) chair leg.

Visible crew/equipment: In the opening close up shot of the eye, you can see a reflector screen reflected in it. (00:04:10)

Visible crew/equipment: When Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are in the hotel room arguing, they sit down at a table in the room. In the glass reflection of the framed picture on the wall, you can see the cameraman.

Visible crew/equipment: After Charollte's father says they could book concerts on her alone, it cuts to her father's mistress and the China cabinet behind her shows the reflection of a crew member moving around.

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene after the alcoholics meeting, the mother returns home and calls up the stairs asking if the girls are ready. The camera goes down a hallway and towards Sally's room. As it does, it glances over a picture showing the three sisters together. As it does, the camera is reflected in the picture. (00:07:10)

Visible crew/equipment: When Fin is gearing up on the bridge, just as he tosses the rope over the rail we can see a crew member's head as he's ducking down behind the rail to Fin's left (viewer's right).

Visible crew/equipment: After Michelle Pfeiffer has blown up the store she is driving down a road. The front mounted camera on the car is plain to see in her sunglasses.

Visible crew/equipment: During the final battle, there's a building falling. When the people are running towards the ambulance, one girl in a pink shirt/sweater runs past a car and a boom mic is reflected on the windshield.

Visible crew/equipment: At the start of the '500 Miles' sequence where Davy catches up with Yvonne, you can see a crew member indicating to some joggers to run into the scene on cue.

Visible crew/equipment: At the beginning, when Mike, Beth and Lee are in the kitchen, immediately after Mike asks Beth "How long have you been cleansing for?", Beth answers and you can see a camera lens in the bottom right corner of the screen filming the actors. (00:02:11)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Paul is trying to get Victor drunk, the cameraman can be seen reflected in the left side (viewer's right) of Victor's goggles. (00:52:10)

Visible crew/equipment: As the S.E.A.L.s retreat down the mountain, the camera crew is visible at rear, bottom right. Red optical mount and clean-face cameraman are a dead giveaway. (01:08:00)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Jack is running through the forest following the giants to their lair, we can see the tracks of the camera dolly under the leaves on the ground.

Visible crew/equipment: After Sykes shoots Jack, he falls to the floor. The shot cuts to Beech where we can see the reflector screens reflected in his glasses. (00:59:00)