Best sci-fi TV mistake pictures of 2013

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The Red Door - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: When Big Jim communicates to the military commander at the dome, he writes on his notepad, and shows "Me and my son" to the commander; yet when he returns to his car and looks at it again, it's written quite differently. (00:24:05 - 00:24:45)


More Under the Dome mistake pictures

Self Control - S4-E15

Continuity mistake: When Daisy is hugging Jemma after proving they're both human, Daisy's right arm is hooked entirely around Jemma's neck. There's an angle change and a lens flare (possibly to help cover the cut) and Daisy's right arm is now at 90°, with her hand on Jemma's left shoulder. (00:21:15)

Jon Sandys

More Agents of SHIELD mistake pictures

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