Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep? - S3-E9
Corrected entry: He's playing Gabriel in scrabble and puts down the word sphinx. Gabriel replies "59 - impressive" but this is not possible with the word sphinx. The letters add up to 18, so on a triple word score without any other bonuses it would be 54. The only other multiplier in range is a double letter square - with a single-point letter (the S, I or N) on a double letter score it would be 57. The next highest-scoring letter is P, worth 3 - with that on a double letter the total would be 72. No way to score anything in between.

Corrected entry: It often rains on the show (it being Oregon, naturally), but never on the characters. Rain can frequently be seen against lights in the background of scenes, and not in the foreground.
Correction: This is too vague and a specific example needs to be given to verify the mistake. Plenty of times throughout the show the characters are rained on and wet.

Corrected entry: Cheddar the dog changes breeds from a Pembroke Welsh Corgi to a Cardigan Welsh Corgi and back to a Pembroke again.

The Red Door - S2-E9
Corrected entry: When Pauline enters the dome through the lake, her hair and whole body is wet, when she enters the house her hair is dry and styled.
Correction: All 4 of them were equally wet getting out of the lake; and all 4 of them were dry when they next appeared in the story - which could have been an hour or more later, depending on how far they had to walk.

The Crackpot of the Empire - S4-E4
Corrected entry: In the old mill there is a sign advertising an ice cream with a flake in it for 99 p. The show is set in the 50s, long before decimal money.
Correction: 99 refers to a type of ice cream not the price. A 99 is an ice cream cornet full of soft ice cream with a chocolate flake bar inserted into the cream, 99's were first sold in the 1920's and are still available today.

Alistair Pitt (No. 103) - S3-E13
Corrected entry: In the scene with Josephine, Red gives her a giraffe figurine. In the next scene with these characters the figure is an elephant.
Correction: It's not an error - the second figurine of an elephant is given to Josephine at a different meeting, implying that Red's standard gift when he sees her is another figurine for her collection. He comments to her in the first scene: "What good is a collection if it doesn't grow."

Corrected entry: You can see the set lights reflected in the yellow ranger's visor when Emma is singing her song.
Correction: This is not a mistake. In the episode, the Monster of the Week sets up a stage with lighting to broadcast the music across the world - this is what is reflected in the Yellow Ranger's visor.

Episode #2.4 - S2-E4
Corrected entry: Tommy Shelby says that he is exporting whisky to Halifax, Nova Scotia, which is under prohibition, as is all of Canada and the United States. There was no prohibition in Canada. Not a mistake a businessman as astute as Shelby is likely to have made, especially as he's based his whole business plan on it.
Correction: This is incorrect. In March 1918 Ottawa stopped, for the duration of the First World War, the manufacture and importation of liquor into provinces where purchase was already illegal. However, prohibition was too short-lived in Canada to engender any real success and was not strongly enforced. Individual provinces repealed the law over the next 5 years starting with Quebec in 1919 through to Nova Scotia in 1930.

Chapter 15 - S2-E2
Corrected entry: While Lucas watches the footage of Zoe's death, the footage, seen frame-by-frame, only shows the moment where she "falls" onto the rails. Earlier footage however, would have shown her leaning on the wall, talking to someone (Underwood) on the other side. (00:07:00 - 00:08:00)
Correction: The footage would have shown her leaning against the wall, doing something on her phone (deleting the connection with Underwood) until she walked after him. It is also of a low quality, at a weird angle, and from far off, meaning they probably couldn't have even seen her talking. For all they know, she was waiting on the train. That is nowhere near enough to keep a case open.

Corrected entry: The family plans a trip to Disneyworld. Adam then mentions that Star Wars was just bought out by Disney. Disney didn't buy Star Wars until 2012.

Corrected entry: During a flashback sequence, Alex is applying a temporary tattoo to the back of Piper's neck as part of a disguise. During the criminal act for which the disguise was needed, Piper does not have the tattoo. (00:24:30 - 00:36:20)
Correction: She was covering up her tattoo with foundation, not applying one.

Corrected entry: When Phoebe and Max wake up at the park, the Hiddenville Park sign is upside-down. Same thing with the statue (mysteriously) in the shot where Barb says "Ready."
Correction: This was part of a special episode where you were supposed to click everything that was upside down on nick.com.

Corrected entry: When Coulson, Ward and Hill are watching the video of Mike saving the woman from the burning building, as the shot cuts to Coulson saying "A little present from Rising Tide", there is a long reflection of his watch coming from a light. Coulson doesn't move in the next shot. But the reflection has gone when the shot cuts back to him. (00:08:25)
Correction: His wrist would need to move only a very tiny amount to change the angle of reflection entirely, making it disappear.

Sing It Louder!!-A-Rooney - S4-E4
Corrected entry: Ruby is looking at a script for "Sing It Louder," a proposed television series starring her older cousin, Liv. All the pages are blank.
Correction: No, it is not blank. The back of the pages are blank, you only see the front of a page once and there are words there.

Corrected entry: Ray is pumping gas, he puts the gas nozzle into his tank, and when he's done he hangs it up at the pump, however no receipt comes out of the machine. If a gas purchase is paid for at the pump a receipt starts printing automatically. (00:10:45 - 00:12:40)
Correction: You're assuming all machines work the same way. I've used pay at pump machines where I had to manually select the option to get a receipt. This isn't a mistake.
Correction: First off, this isn't a stupidity. But not all pumps print out a receipt automatically. And even if this pump did, I've been to plenty places where the printer was out of paper, jammed, or otherwise broken and had to go inside if I wanted a receipt.
First of all the pump the character was using in the show was an advanced pump with a slot for a receipt to eject. When I pay for gas I pay cash, unless it's at night and it's a pre-paid pump then I use a credit card and I've never had an issue with a machine being out of paper. Also, it's a show, how come they can't just do it properly. Why does the viewer have to think the machine is out of paper? This comment is just like you commenting on the wardrobe of the Lucifer cast.
Those were just a few examples of why it won't print. Just because it's always printed out for you doesn't mean all machines do. You're wrong in assuming it should act the way you want it. And previous corrections doesn't have any bearing on this correction. Your entry isn't a mistake.
Correction: I don't recall seeing what was already on the board when he played the word, but keep in mind that in Scrabble you get points for all the words you've created (or added to) during a play. For example, if he played sphinx without it being on a double letter square, and the 'S' attached to a previously played 4-point word, (i.e., turning nail into snail or nails, that would add 5 points to the 54.