Ivan Block: This is your job. You want a clear conscience, go start a charity. But if you want your own island and your boss says you gotta go out there and take a beating, you go out there, take it and come back to work and say, 'do you need me to do it again?

Batman: He'll still be weak, between the nuke and so little sunlight. Just how weak we'll see when he finds my first surprise.
Robin: Yeah, but how long you expect to last against him?
Batman: Long enough.
Robin: Boss. I'm trying to get the plan here. I mean, you gonna die tonight or what?
Batman: Figure I will.

Crystal: When I was pregnant with you, it was strange. You were different. They wanted me to terminate, but I wouldn't. And you're right. I don't understand you. And I never will.

Rodney Baze Jr.: Working for a living? I gave my life for this country and what's it done for me? Huh? What's it done for me?

Simon: I was really good, but not good enough. And not good enough really isn't very good.

John Matthews: I admire you so much. The stand you're taking. You didn't take the easy way out. Not setting up one of your friends. I couldn't do what you did. So it looks like you're the one teaching me what real character and integrity is all about. I love you, son.

Chaney: I swear, I don't know nothin'! I swear before God and eight motherfuckin' white people.

India Stoker: Have you ever seen a picture of yourself, taken when you didn't know you were being photographed, from an angle that you don't usually see when you look in a mirror, and you think: "That's me... that's also me." Do you know what I'm talking about?
Whip: I think I do. So you are surprised at yourself? Does that mean you are not afraid of being touched anymore?
India Stoker: Please don't spoil it.

Grey: I'll get you a prescription for Ativan, it'll stop your conscience bothering ya.

Emil Kovac: Now your turn. You tell me.
Benjamin Ford: War stories?
Emil Kovac: Yes.
Benjamin Ford: Most of those aren't true.
Emil Kovac: Most, but some.
Benjamin Ford: The ones that are, why would anyone want to talk about that?
Emil Kovac: How else do you keep the past alive?
Benjamin Ford: The past is dead, let's keep it that way.

Luz: I knew I smelt bitch in the air tonight.
Miss San Antonio: Payback's the only bitch you need to worry about! This dress costs more than your fucking life.
Luz: Didn't anybody ever tell you not to wear a dress to a gunfight?
Miss San Antonio: Oh, baby, I always dress to the nines.
Luz: I dress to kill.

Amanda: I knew that you were real. I came to save you.

Max Lewinsky: I'm paid to catch crooks, not get them elected.

Attorney General: Look, Martin, I can imagine what you're thinking. How this looks to you.
Martin Rose: I've made no allegation.
Attorney General: But if we accept that they - that someone... Then we have to accept all sort of things which are simply unacceptable. And I will not accept that.
Martin Rose: You really know how to clarify a situation, don't you?
Attorney General: I'm not even here.

Daniel Barrett: How do you know all these?
Edwin Pollard: You are not alone in this.

John Moon: I don't wanna a divorce. I just want my family back.