Ray Owens: I saw enough blood and death... I know what's coming.
Adam Cassidy: I'm sorry, man.
Kevin: What are you sorry for? You didn't run me over, did you?
Adam Cassidy: I'm the reason for all of this.
Kevin: The real question is: what are we gonna do about it?
Adam Cassidy: We're gonna use what they taught me. Destroy what they built.
Charles Stoker: Of course I still love you, Richard. I just have to love you a little bit less now.
Richie Furst: Holy shit, those are crocodiles.
Machete: Machete don't joke.
Carrie Kelley: How do you fight someone like that?
Bruce Wayne: Simpler than I've made it. There's nothing wrong with Joker that I can't fix. With my hands.
Chaney: I swear, I don't know nothin'! I swear before God and eight motherfuckin' white people.
Russell Baze: You got a problem with me?
Harlan DeGroat: I got a problem with everybody.
John Matthews: I admire you so much. The stand you're taking. You didn't take the easy way out. Not setting up one of your friends. I couldn't do what you did. So it looks like you're the one teaching me what real character and integrity is all about. I love you, son.
Simon: I have all these things that I want to say to her, like... Like how I can tell she's a lonely person, even if other people can't. Cause I know what it feels like to be lost and lonely and invisible.
Attorney General: Look, Martin, I can imagine what you're thinking. How this looks to you.
Martin Rose: I've made no allegation.
Attorney General: But if we accept that they - that someone... Then we have to accept all sort of things which are simply unacceptable. And I will not accept that.
Martin Rose: You really know how to clarify a situation, don't you?
Attorney General: I'm not even here.
Grey: I'll get you a prescription for Ativan, it'll stop your conscience bothering ya.
Daniel Lugo: My name is Daniel Lugo, and I believe in fitness. All this began because it was time to push myself harder, otherwise I was looking at another forty years wearing sweatpants to work.
Emil Kovac: Now your turn. You tell me.
Benjamin Ford: War stories?
Emil Kovac: Yes.
Benjamin Ford: Most of those aren't true.
Emil Kovac: Most, but some.
Benjamin Ford: The ones that are, why would anyone want to talk about that?
Emil Kovac: How else do you keep the past alive?
Benjamin Ford: The past is dead, let's keep it that way.
Chucky: [to himself] Women. Can't live with them. Period.
Amanda: I knew that you were real. I came to save you.