Diamond Dealer: It's not a small thing to wish for, however unattainable... to aspire to the stone's endless destiny. Isn't that the meaning of adornment? To enhance the beauty of the beloved is to acknowledge both her frailty and the nobility of that frailty. We announce to the darkness that we will not be diminished by the brevity of our lives. That we will not thereby be made less.

Martin Sixsmith: The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Philomena: That's lovely, Martin. Did you just think of that?
Martin Sixsmith: No, it's T.S. Eliot.

Amy: It's how we spend a third of our lives asleep, and maybe that's the time when we feel the most free.

Ivan Locke: It was once.
Katrina: And the difference between never and once is the whole world. The difference between never and once is the difference between good and bad.

Charles Dickens: A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is a profound secret and mystery to every other.
Nelly: Until that secret is given to another to look after. And then perhaps two human creatures may know each other.

Woody Grant: I won a million dollars.
ER Doctor: Congratulations, that'll just about pay for a day in the hospital.

Crystal: When I was pregnant with you, it was strange. You were different. They wanted me to terminate, but I wouldn't. And you're right. I don't understand you. And I never will.

Nagase: You are a soldier, Lomax. You never surrendered.
Eric: I'm still at war.

Llewyn Davis: What is that? What are you doing?
Lillian Gorfein: It's Mike's part.
Llewyn Davis: Don't do that.
Lillian Gorfein: It's Mike's part.
Llewyn Davis: I know that it is. Don't do that. Oh well. You know what, this is bullshit. I'm sorry... I don't do this, okay? I do this for a living. It's not a, not a fucking parlor game.

Nicki: You're stressing me out.

Attorney General: Look, Martin, I can imagine what you're thinking. How this looks to you.
Martin Rose: I've made no allegation.
Attorney General: But if we accept that they - that someone... Then we have to accept all sort of things which are simply unacceptable. And I will not accept that.
Martin Rose: You really know how to clarify a situation, don't you?
Attorney General: I'm not even here.

Aimee: I like to think there's more to a person than just one thing.