Plot hole: In the first arrest scene Jenko (played by Channing Tatum) fails to read the suspect his Miranda Rights and the suspect is later released because of this. Miranda Rights are not read upon arrest nor do they have to be unless the arresting officer is questioning the suspect about an offense. Miranda Rights are more often read during an interview if the crime is that serious but in this instance (possession of controlled substances) the suspect would have most likely been handed over to a patrol unit with a vehicle and taken to jail without being questioned, at least by the arresting officers.

Plot hole: When the CIA detects that Matt is accessing sensitive information to track Frost, they trace Matt's location and find out that he is using a public computer in a cafe. We then see that Matt is viewing the same kind of software, files, etc. that the CIA views at their agency. There is simply no plausible way that a random public computer would have CIA software, or be able to access CIA data at all, regardless of Matt's clearance. The computer itself would have to be on a secure domain.

Plot hole: The tracker chips that the program participants have surgically implanted in their legs make no sense: (1) Implanting an RF device in an agent who is going undercover in North Korea, Pakistan, Iran etc. is a very efficient way of blowing his cover. (2) The drone pilots are unable to imagine that the agent may remove or shield the chip, despite knowing that these agents are super-intelligent and resourceful. (3) Why does killing the agent switch off the chip? Even if he's blown apart by a Hellfire missile, the chip should still keep chirping away, safe inside the lump of meat that's left.

Plot hole: When Dex is rescuing the baby kittens from the Fat Cat Burglar on the hot air balloon, whilst it is flying over the city, the four hairless hamster henchmen fly off the balloon and plummet down onto the street. Dex then saves the baby kittens and lands in the park, where two of the henchmen are shown landing in the park after plummeting. Three problems with this. 1) The henchmen fell before Dex saved the kittens and made his way down to the park, so how did they land on the ground long after Dex landed on the ground? 2) How did they land in the park if they plummeted from above a street? 3) How are there only two henchmen shown landing when four of them were shown falling all at once? (00:04:30)

Plot hole: When Bella drops off Jacob and Renesmee at Charlie's house, she says she has to do an errand and will be back soon. She then proceeds to drive to Seattle, which is about 130 miles east and separated by a large body of water called Puget Sound. Being that I live in Seattle, I know that the most direct route from Forks to Seattle involves driving from the outer Washington coast through Port Angeles, then Sequim, going over the Hood Canal (toll) Bridge, before going to plus waiting for and riding a ferry across Puget Sound from Kingtston to Edmonds, and then at least another 25 minutes driving south on I-5 to Seattle. Even if Bella drove very fast (which she could not possibly do the entire way), it would take close to four hours one way, depending on traffic, wait and ride time for the ferry, stopping to pay at the toll bridge, and general driving conditions. Bella would also spend almost two hours in Seattle conducting her business with Mr. Jenks (which include driving through the busy downtown traffic, parking, going through the mall to the restaurant, and driving through the city again back to the ferry terminal) before returning to Forks. Depending on what time she originally left to when she got back home, it would be late in the evening. There are several other ways to get to Seattle from Forks, but they would take just as long or much longer.

Plot hole: The killer has been living in the (apparently big enough) crawlspace between walls and floors, for over a decade. There is no explanation (or rationale) given on how he moved the various objects inside every room, closed doors, fed when the house was not occupied, hid the various corpses and, silly detail, concealed his own BO and the stench of his own living quarters, which is something hinted at when they find out his hideout. It is explicitly said that he is agoraphobic and does not get out, ever.

Plot hole: They can't find any fingerprints from Nick, but there seem to be quite a few. The door handle and more importantly the window and the sill that he opens to get out.

Plot hole: When Dubois attempts to kidnap Alex using the tranquilizer, she is brought to a halt by several different zoo staff thanking her for returning him. The entire first movie's plot is based on them being stranded on Madagascar after being on a ship that was intended to take them away. The actions of the animals at the train station were on the news, and a large gathering of sorts was held to show that the animals were leaving the zoo. Therefore, no one should have reacted this way to his return.

Plot hole: At the end, when billionaire Niles York is mistaken for Frankenstein, how is this possible? anyone who knows him can see it's him, from his appearance (burnt, but not 100%, his face still visible), his voice (doesn't sound like Frankenstein, but does sound like Niles York) & also a simple DNA test would have cleared up his true identity. When he goes back to Terminal Island, people would know it's a different person.

Plot hole: In this Australian time-travel fantasy, a college student discovers a one-way time portal that allows him to travel one day into the past each time he uses it. While he at first attempts to rescue his girlfriend from a traffic accident that occurred a day earlier, he eventually travels back 50 years (one day at a time) to save his young grandfather. However, in order to go back 50 years (one day at a time), he'd have to repeatedly climb through the portal over 18,000 times. Apparently, it's not an issue, because the movie just glosses right over it in less than a minute.

Plot hole: Selene has been kept in a cryogenic tank for 12 years. And for 12 years the scientists running experiments on her very conveniently kept her boots and skin tight suit in the lab. Not just that: they did not keep them in a locker or in a box, but scattered across different shelves of the glass cabinet where they also store test tubes and big bottles of chemicals. Directly in front of them, in fact. (00:10:00)