Revealing mistake: While Bishop and Steve McKenna are practicing with various firearms, a slow-motion shot in the film of Steve shooting a .50 caliber rifle shows that, while the sequence depicts him firing "live" rounds, the extracted shell casing is from a "Blank" cartridge (evidenced by the crimped forward portion of the brass casing). (00:34:15)

Revealing mistake: When we see the new recruits at boot camp, they are wearing M1 Helmets. But if you look closely, they have rivets through the sides of each helmet where the chinstrap bales would be. In reality, the M1 helmet chinstrap bales were and continued to be welded onto the shell of the helmet. This indicates the helmets in the film are probably plastic replicas with the bales being riveted in place.

Revealing mistake: At the start, just as Moreau rides up the stone road leading to the monastery up ahead, before he passes the two guards we can see that it's a flipped shot - note the backwards license plate number.

Revealing mistake: Just before Charlie is stabbed you can see the "blood pack" under his shirt.

Revealing mistake: When Brian is racing the GT3RS through the mock up track we have a shot inside while he is doing a hard left. Look at the dash and the speedo on the far left is at 0 while the rev counter in the centre moves. Evidently he was stationary and just revved the car for the shot. (01:04:25)

Revealing mistake: When the apes jump out of the lab windows out to the street, they don't cast a shadow on any of the glass except the ones on the ground floor.

Revealing mistake: Every time Colter finds the bomb, the cell phone used as the detonator, is running a Adobe Flash movie named "HISTORY.swf" on its screen. The Adobe Flash Player logo is visible in it. When he removes it the first time and tries to call back the bomber, it's nothing but a Flash animation sequence playing on this mobile. (At about 01:11:20) Finally he finds the secondary mobile at the back of the bomb, and this too has a HISTORY.swf playing in it. (00:15:30 - 00:55:00)

Revealing mistake: When Sweet Pea, Rocket and Blondie are sitting in front of their mirrors and discussing how Babydoll saved Rocket from the cook, the camera starts behind them, pans to the left, through the mirrors and out the other side. Before the camera passes through the mirrors, if you look closely at the girls' backs, you can see that they are slightly out of sync with their 'reflections'; it is obvious they used doubles to sit with their backs to the camera and copy the actual actresses.

Revealing mistake: When Gosling overtakes the car via the shoulder, you can see dust in front of his Mustang being thrown up by the camera car.

Revealing mistake: There is a large rip on the side of Charge's mask. It is supposed to be that his mask has been ripped. But you can tell that the mask was designed to look like it was torn, the effects of sewing are obvious.

Revealing mistake: When the movie starts, there's an aerial view of London's rooftops. The smoke coming out of the very first chimney doesn't move, revealing it's a painting.

Revealing mistake: Whenever the astronauts are outside the module they are affected by being in a lower gravity environment. However, when inside there seems to be no effect, an example is when the helmet falls.

Revealing mistake: When she shoots the Ponzi scheme guy into his shark pool, the shot where he is seen from the side and sharks in the background, the shark can be seen in the glass part, but not in the water part between the man's arm and the glass piece. (00:58:50)

Revealing mistake: In the submarine, when Emma goes to get ice for Shaw, Azazel's tail is missing when he helps pull the submarine's ladder down.

Revealing mistake: When Carter puts the dead guy in front of the thing that blows your tires, right before he runs over him, the dead guy blinks his eyes.
Suggested correction: The blinking is too obvious to be a mistake by the actor, the scene is supposed to show that the man was still alive after being stabbed, as a final bit of suffering. Terribly unrealistic in real life, but not for this franchise.

Revealing mistake: When serving on the bridge, there are multiple shots where skid marks from previous takes are visible. (00:44:20)

Revealing mistake: When the cannibal throws Porter's body on the table you can plainly see its a rubber body. Especially when he cuts off the head.

Revealing mistake: After Eddie's big dive, as he resurfaces there is a reflection of the water that can be seen above the waterline (on the camera lens).

Revealing mistake: The gang is starting to argue as they are running behind schedule. The big guy is holding Nicole Kidman at knife-point. The camera zooms in on her breathing heavily...so heavily that the 'metal' blade of the knife bends up and down. (00:29:00)

Revealing mistake: When Donovan witnesses a fatal traffic accident on a rainy night, he suffers a mild heart attack and collapses in the street. Although he's lying on his back, unprotected from the downpour, surrounded by rain striking the pavement in both foreground and background, closeups show that no rain strikes his face, his felt hat, or his clothing. (00:12:20 - 00:12:50)