Best sci-fi movie questions of 2010

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Chosen answer: It is stated in the commentary that Sam Rockwell wanted his character to have a spray tan, making his hands an orange color.


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The Crazies picture

Question: When David is in the Hamill's house, David stabs Peggy Hamill in the neck with the knife that was already en-lodged into David's hand by Peggy's son. Peggy's blood should have seeped into David's hand wound; Why doesn't David get infected?


Chosen answer: Because he's naturally immune to the disease, just like all of the other survivors at that point.


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Inception picture

Question: Me and my friend have debated this each time we have watched the movie and I finally decided to ask the question here to see who is right. When they are discussing their plan and saying they need the plane for it, Saito says "I bought the airline... It seemed neater." My interpretation of this is that he bought out all the tickets on that particular flight so the plane would be empty and weed out risk of interruption from other passengers, as doing that made it so there are no other passengers. But my friend thinks he means he bought the entire brand of the airline, so that he now owns the company that has that plane. Like buying out SouthWest Airlines as a company or something. So who is right? What did Saito mean? Did he buy out all the tickets for that flight, or did he buy the whole airline company?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He bought out the actual airline company. If he'd bought out all the tickets for that specific journey he'd have said "I bought out the flight" or similar. It's a deliberately over the top moment of exuberance to highlight exactly how rich Satio is. I'm afraid that it is your friend who is correct, sorry.


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Predators picture

Question: This film tells a little about different clans and how some Predators hunt others (smaller ones, how they ever came to be and are not extinct I'd beyond me). But is it every mentioned anywhere just how Predators are created/born? The films never give an indication towards there being any female Predators. We know Aliens have the Face-Huggers and they spawn Aliens from Humans. What about Predators? Is it ever noted if they do something similar, mate like Humans do or are created using some kind of technology? Always been curious about this, thanks for any answer.


Chosen answer: Female predators (or Yautja) do not hunt, and are therefore rarely seen off their home world. Predators do have a mating season and females choose their mates based on how accomplished a hunter they are.

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Resident Evil: Afterlife picture

Question: How did the Executioner zombie get into the shower room? It couldn't have burrowed in like the other zombies because it is simply too big. The cast were standing by the entrance and the Executioner does not appear at the entrance.


Chosen answer: Only Claire, Kim-Yong and Alice were left, and Alice and Claire were paying attention to Kim, who was very reluctant about going into the tunnel. The camera is just focused on what the characters are focused on, Kim-Yong.


More Resident Evil: Afterlife questions
TRON: Legacy picture

Question: What exactly was Clu's vision of "the perfect system"?

Answer: Going by Clu's behavior and personality in the film, Clu's idea of a perfect system was likely a system where every component worked as intended and as expected. One where every action by programs could be consistently predicted. The Isometric Algorithms very existence went against everything that he believed was "perfect", in that by their nature their actions could not be predicted. Users also seem to exist in contrast to Clu's beliefs as their human emotions cause them to act irrationally and erratically.


More TRON: Legacy questions
Megamind picture

Question: Throughout the film, Megamind transforms himself to take the appearance of other characters. Early on in the film, these characters are killed (or otherwise disposed of), allowing Megamind to take their appearance. Near the end of the film, Megamind takes Metro Man's appearance, but Metro Man is not dead (we see him as retired after faking his death, then specifically in the crowd scene at the Megamind museum opening). Is this an error, or is there some other reason why Megamind doesn't need to kill Metro Man to take his appearance?

Answer: The characters are only 'disposed of' so that they won't be able to reveal Megamind's deception. Remember, the warden wasn't killed and neither was Megamind when the warden was transformed into him. It is not necessary for the device to function that the individual being copied be eliminated.


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Hot Tub Time Machine picture

Question: When the four main guys are first coming down the slope in 1986, the two from the ski patrol apparently don't recognize Jacob's snowboard. Though snowboards were still largely unknown in 1986, wouldn't someone who worked for a popular ski resort recognize them?


Chosen answer: The James Bond film "A View To A Kill" came out the year before in 1985. In the film, Bond's snowscooter is blown up by the Soviets, so he takes a wrecked ski from it and improvises it into a snowboard. Snowboards existed at the time, however, it wasn't until that film that their existence became well known. One year later in 1986, they'd still be very rare, but it's likely that his wasn't the first that the ski patrol had seen.

Captain Defenestrator

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