Question: If Bella is a "shield" and vampire powers can't affect her how did Jasper use his mood/mind control on her? It was Bella's birthday and they were at the school. Alice was inviting her to a party. After Bella says yes, she said "Jasper, no fair with the mind control thing."
Answer: Vampire abilities can't affect her mind. It's explained in the book that what Jasper does is physical. He loosens tense muscles and stimulates production of the appropriate hormones and helps the subject physically relax, thus stimulating a sympathetic mood change in his subjects.

Question: Why didn't the teacher get fired after being caught sleeping with a student? In most cases a teacher wouldn't be able to be at that school whether he is of age or not, I don't think parents would like the thought of a teacher sleeping with students is still teaching at that same school and her husband is a teacher as well.
Answer: I don't believe she was ever officially caught seducing a student, her husband found but never told. He wants a divorce, and he knew she would agree to any settlement to keep it quiet.

Question: How did John Brennan know Laura would be transferred to a hospital?
Answer: John planted fake blood work for Laura indicating that she had hyperkalemia (increased potassium levels), a condition that is potentially fatal. She would need to be transferred to a hospital to be treated.
If Laura was was suffering from hyperkalemia, wouldn't the jail doctor have reported it before John planted the fake blood work?
She wasn't actually suffering from it. John had planted the fake medical report that the doctor presumably then read and acted upon by arranging for her to be transferred to the hospital.
I doubt the jail's doctor would be fooled by the fake medical report since Laura wasn't showing any obvious physical symptoms.
Many medical conditions do not show physical symptoms early on, but are detectable with tests. For example, people live with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, brain tumors, etc. for some years before experiencing any physical effects. The doctor read the results of Laura's blood test, and, as was standard procedure, had her admitted to the hospital, presumably for additional testing that could not be performed within a prison setting. Also, after some additional reading on the subject: hyperkalemia often has no early symptoms. Later symptoms are flu-like-such as muscle aches, physical weakness, nausea, fatigue, etc. That may be why John chose that particular condition, and it is something Laura could easily have faked.
I still think the jail's doctor would get suspicious since blood test results are not monitored and delivered to a county jail by an outside lab.
Suspicious or not, he would act in the patient's best interests. If the hospital blood tests come back negative, then he doesn't have a problem. If Laura dies in his care from an easily treatable condition which he knew about, it's goodbye career and hello huge malpractice suit. He would be fully conversant with the procedures used while transferring prisoners to local hospitals, including the very close security put in place, and he has no reason to think that someone is putting this incredibly elaborate escape plan into effect.
Speaking of a prisoner being transferred to a hospital, does that happen very often?
But don't jails, and prisons tend to keep a prisoners hospitalization a secret?

Question: Why did Jack Nicholson quit acting after appearing in this movie?

Question: When Abby comes in to slaughter the bullies, we only see what Owen is able to (not very much, since he's underwater.) There's something that looks like a lot of glass bits, and then something is dragged across the pool and the blood flow begins. But what was the thing being dragged?
Chosen answer: The thing that zooms across the water appears to be Abby herself - upon breaking the window, she beheads the boy holding Owen under the water almost immediately after she enters the pool room; her incredible speed makes it possible that she moved rapidly over the water without sinking below it.
Its one of the bullies upside down you can see if you pause at the right time or slow it down.
Answer: It's entirely possible. Rapunzel has a similar face appearance to her mother's, and you could also count the family bond of simply knowing. She also has green eyes, which are uncommon, so the parents probably knew that she was unlikely an impostor.