Best comedy TV questions of 2009

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Answer: Coach Sylvester is generally bullying to most staff and students but she particularly dislikes the glee club because they compete with her cheerleading squad for limited school funds.


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Basic Lupine Urology - S3-E17

Question: When Troy and Abed are showing the yam to a lady she tells them that their yam was about to bloom, and that it was stepped on. I don't understand how she couldn't tell that it had been boiled? If she can tell that it was about to bloom, it doesn't make sense that she couldn't see that it had been in hot water. Of course, she wouldn't be at Greendale (I assume she is at Greendale but I could be wrong) if she was that good at something.

Answer: It was part of the plot that when the boiled yam was dropped it looked like it was stepped on (which it never was). So there was no way to tell the difference between the flesh being soft because it was boiled or because it was stepped on (in the show that is, I don't know if one could tell the difference in real life). Plus, the rest of the yam wasn't boiled, so there was no evidence the yam was sitting in boiling water.


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Show generally

Question: In Claire and Phil's house, what is the room behind the staircase that we never see? It wasn't there in the pilot episode but thereafter, it's got a window and supposedly a good amount of space, as it's in the front of the house, in front of the kitchen. Anybody have any idea?


Chosen answer: There was a plain wall at the foot of the stairs in the pilot episode. Thereafter, there is a room, but we have never been shown what's in the room.


More Modern Family questions

Answer: In the episode "A Rodent Like This" Rallo discovers that Cleveland Jr. is actually a secret agent who is tracking down Tim, who is actually criminal. Jr. reveals that in order to get close he had to eliminate the real Cleveland Jr. luckily Cleveland doesn't pay attention so it was easy. Whether or not this is canon or not depends on the writers.

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