Best mystery movie mistake pictures of 2009

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Revealing mistake: During Quidditch tryouts, when Ron blocks the Quaffle with his head in the closeup, Ron's body disappears at the bottom of the screen below the digital editing line. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD).

Super Grover

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Continuity mistake: At the very beginning, when Quaid has finished showering and is picking his phone, wallet, badge, keys, etc, there is a shot of his hand as it is picking up his cellphone. Cut to a wide shot of him and the objects have moved. For example, the coins have become a close cluster, his pack of cigarettes is no longer on the newspaper, and his badge has switched places with the lighter. (00:02:45)


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Character mistake: While examining "Diagramma della Verita" in the Vatican archives, Langdon is careful to use a cotton glove and a pair of tongs to turn the pages. But when he returns later to search the Bernini texts for clues about the "fire" church, he turns the book pages with his bare hands. (00:36:30 - 01:04:55)

Cubs Fan

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Continuity mistake: When John is decoding the numbers for the first time, he uses a whiteboard. On the whiteboard are, presumably, spelling words for Caleb. He erases some of these to make room for the numbers. In the various shots of this scene, words disappear and reappear continuously, often written slightly different.

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Continuity mistake: When Max is going to stab Naoko at the end of the movie, he grabs her by the hair, but in the next shot he's grabbing her by the chin. (01:18:30)

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