Best crime movie questions of 2009

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The Hangover picture

Question: In the scene right when they leave the hotel after the wild night, they see Doug's mattress. Is there any significance to the guy that turns to them and says some people just can't handle Vegas?

Answer: His name is Chuck Pacheco and he's an actor/director. He played Chuckie in the movie Alpha Dog.

Answer: I'm sure the guy Phil asks is a famous golfer, just not sure who. It is significant in what he says, because the Wolf Pack couldn't handle Vegas, so it was a sideways slap to them.

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Sherlock Holmes picture

Question: Just before Sherlock attacks somebody, he determines what areas to strike to incapacitate someone and determine how long it would take someone to recover from both physical and psychological trauma. Granted that he could figure out a person's physical recovery but, could he actually figure out a person's pyshological recovery? He noted that it would take six months if I remember for a guy to recover psychologically but, to me, Sherlock is just taking a wild guess. Especially, if the guy recovered in half the time.

Answer: I believe that particular line was him making a joke to himself about the man's pride.

Quantom X

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Angels & Demons picture

Question: When Langdon and the Italian cop are trapped inside the sealed room of the Vatican archive and the air is shut off, how long could they actually survive in a space that size? In the movie, they start to suffocate almost immediately. (There is no long time lapse because the movie's plot depends on defusing the bomb within a few hours).


Chosen answer: In reality, they would have perished from CO2 poisoning long before the room ran out of breathable oxygen causing them to simply suffocate. Without knowing the exact dimensions of the room it is impossible to give any time more specific than "several hours" for this to happen in a room as big as that one appeared to be.


I just re-watched the movie, and as Langdon and Vittoria enter the room, it's mentioned to them that the oxygen levels are always kept at a bare minimum to protect the ancient tomes and documents stored there. That helps to answer my own question about why Langdon and the cop were so quickly affected when the power was shut off.


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The Lovely Bones picture

Question: If Susie's body had been in a bag in the safe, how did people who went into his house (Lindsey when she broke into his house through the basement window) not smell her dead body?

Answer: The only person who went into the basement while the safe was there was Lindsey. The safe was airtight, so the odor at that point would have been contained inside it.


Answer: The dog could smell her body even from outside, and he barked and hesitated as he passed near the killer's house. Dogs can smell people from a long distance.

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Fast & Furious picture

Question: Are they completely ignoring the events of the second movie? I was given the impression that Brian and Roman were going to open a garage together with the money they took from Carter. Plus Brian was on the outs with the FBI. Yet in this movie, he's suddenly an FBI agent.

Answer: No it doesn't ignore 2 Fast 2 Furious, Brian even references it a couple of times. In that movie, Brian was promised a 'clean slate' if he helped them out which presumably gives him the option to rejoin a law enforcement agency. That he chose not to open a garage with Roman is pretty much redundant, Brian simply got a better offer, and as he stated in Fast & Furious with his conversation with Mia, "I'm a good liar".


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Paul Blart: Mall Cop picture

Question: If Pahud thinks that Paul Blart is with his girlfriend, why does he make him his "homie"? Wouldn't he hate Paul for taking his girlfriend?

Answer: Paul explains to Pahud that it's a misunderstanding, and Pahud then makes Paul Blart his homie.

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Public Enemies picture

Question: I must have missed something, but when Dillinger and his accomplice (can't remember his name) are escaping from the lodge, they both hitch a ride with Baby Face Nelson on the dirt road. Later Purvis and his men run Nelson's car off the road and kill him and another guy. Then we see Dillinger and his wounded accomplice with a car in town getting medical supplies. How's that possible?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Baby Face Nelson doesn't pick up Dillinger. He picks up the characters played by Stephen Dorf and another associate. Dillinger and Hamilton escape through the woods and steal a car from an older man they come across in the forest. After the shootout, Dillinger and Nelson are never in the car together.

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The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest picture

Question: Is there any particular reason as to why Lisbeth is dressed like a punk in the courtroom?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: That is how Lisbeth prefers to dress, and she refuses to change for anyone or anything.


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The Girl Who Played With Fire picture

Question: When the police go to Lisbeth Salander's old apartment - the one Miriam is living in - thinking Lisbeth lived there, so they can search the place, one of the policeman says, "How come the name-plate on the door says 'Salander'?" The other policeman says, "I have no idea." But they are there to search Lisbeth "Salander's" place! Can someone please explain to me why they are there if they don't believe it is the Salander place?


Chosen answer: They are looking at the mail which is all addressed to Miriam Wu, and medicine in the bathroom cabinet which is prescribed to her. So they realise someone called Miriam Wu is living there (or Lisbeth is living there under that name), and wonder why the name plate still says "Salander".


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State of Play picture

Question: In the pre climax Anne tells Cal that Sonia was sleeping with Stephen for $26,000 but later he comes to conclusion that Stephen knew this how? How did Anne know?

Answer: The assassin that Stephen hired to spy on Sonia found out and told Stephen. At some point off-screen, Stephen told Anne details about his affair with Sonia and accidentally told her that she was being paid to spy on and sleep with him for $26,000. Anne told Cal about the $26,000, and Cal realises that Stephen knows a lot more about Sonia's spying for Point Corp than he is letting on. If Stephen was completely innocent, there would be no way for him to know the amount was $26,000. Cal and his team of journalists never told Stephen the specific amount of money Sonia was getting.

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Whiteout picture

Question: Can you please tell me if this is set in the Arctic or Antarctic, as the aurora borealis is better known as the Northern Lights and can only be seen there.

Answer: The film is set in the Antarctic, the South Pole. The aurora borealis is more commonly observed in high northern latitudes where there is more land mass with people populating it, but can be seen at either the north or south poles.


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S. Darko picture

Question: Do we ever find out what the rash was on that guy? And why it was spreading so badly.


Chosen answer: Nope. It was just a reaction to the meteorite. It could have been an alien bacteria causing it, or it could have been an allergic reaction to one or more materials in the meteorite itself.


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Saw VI picture

Question: In the beginning scene where the two participants had to cut flesh in order to survive, what was to stop them simply putting other stuff on the scales instead of flesh, such as the heavy tools and knives and escaping that way?

Answer: The tools were chained to the tables, and there wasn't anything else they could've thrown down onto the scales.


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Chosen answer: Nothing has been said and no indications are given as to what is in the cooler.


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Fanboys picture

Question: Was there anything illegal about Windows' relationship and attempted rendezvous with Rogue Leader? Would he have gotten into any serious trouble had her parents decided to take any legal action?


Chosen answer: It would depend on what they'd discussed online and his intent. If they'd planned to meet for sex, then yes, that would be illegal and charges could be pressed. Since we didn't learn the details of their conversations, we can't be certain.

Captain Defenestrator

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