Revealing mistake: It is not what is seen here that is the problem, but what we don't see on the Hogwarts Express; first on the way to Hogwarts when Harry, Ron, and Hermione are in their compartment talking about Draco, and second, during holiday break, when Harry and Ron are talking about Unbreakable Vows. As the camera faces the large compartment window, we see the scenery out the window, but as the train speeds along, the scenic reflection of the windows opposite it, in the corridor, should be seen but isn't. What is reflected is the light colored wall of the compartment beneath the blacked-out window. The camera filming the shots from this angle is positioned at that window, and to hide the camera/crews' outline, the window was covered.

Revealing mistake: When Barnes and Marcus Wright are helping John Connor back to the chopper and when Barnes gets in the helicopter, he's revealed to be a stand in. It's in plain sight, at the right side of the screen. (01:41:20)

Revealing mistake: While Cath is trapped on the other side of the fallen boulders, Dan tries to move some of the rocks to get her out. You can see one of the rocks by his feet move as if it is made out of foam. (00:34:25)

Revealing mistake: After Martin cuts his arm off, there are several scenes where you can see the bulge of the actor's real arm under his jacket. This is most noticeable when he is running through the birch wood, and when rooting through the ruins of the burned cabin.

Revealing mistake: At the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, there is a triangular enclosure around Jetfire that amusingly just fades away and vanishes as Jetfire transforms. (01:23:05)

Revealing mistake: Throughout the movie closeups of Enik's eyes reflect the lights and set around him that aren't part of the movie. During the scene when he's talking to Dr. Marshall about how the crystal controls the sleestack, you can see the white ceiling of the soundstage and lights which instead should be the sky.

Revealing mistake: After Chuck steps on the toy duck, he looks up to see the alien family and their house behind them. However, there is no reflection of this on his visor, just an empty field and the trees beyond.

Revealing mistake: The film is set in 1891. After Holmes escapes from Parliament, Thomas Thornycroft's statue of Boadicea on the Thames Embankment next to Westminster Bridge can be seen, even though it was not completed until 1905. (01:35:45)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where the Bear Jew beats the German Sergeant to death with a baseball bat, the sergeant's head basically explodes into a mass of blood at the end of the beating. In a later shot, the sergeant's body is shown lying on the ground with the head intact. (00:33:10)

Revealing mistake: During the four-year flashback scene in East Africa, after the building is bombed, two helicopters fly to the right of the building. However, because they are CGI, the telltale whirl (or any movement) the blades should have made in the smoke isn't there. (00:50:10)

Revealing mistake: During the scene where the four Ninjas dressed in black have a pillow fight with the 'Girl' Ninja dressed in white, you can see that it's not the little girl fighting them, but a tall 'Oriental Man' stunt double instead.

Revealing mistake: When the Federation fleet is preparing to warp to Vulcan, you'll see the first ship blast off, but the second ship blasts off out of nowhere. You could argue that the ship was out of sight and below the Enterprise, but the light trail isn't that long. The light trail starts in front of the Enterprise where you should be able to see a star-ship. (00:40:45)

Revealing mistake: When Steven Seagal makes his triumphant entrance in the credits, his sword misses the first zombie he supposedly hacks (right after "Written by"), by a mile. (00:03:20)

Revealing mistake: In the scene at the Pope's apartment, when Clouseau enters the balcony for the second time to "look at the moon", there is a third shot from his back when he is leaning out of the balcony. You can see a platform which supposedly was there to help him easily fall out. (00:54:35)

Revealing mistake: The movie shows in Matrix-esque slo-mo the double baton swing Goku dodges, from Fuller and his goon. They are nowhere near hitting each other, and yet, this missed baseball-bat swing causes them to KO each other in close-up. (00:16:55)

Revealing mistake: When the black guys shoot the four as they are about to enter the spaceship, watch carefully as the bullets hit them in slow motion. Because the camera moves backward slowly, the bullets move backward and then go forward at times. This is probably because the bullet animation is an overlay to the video.