Allan Baxter: This is unacceptable. I want that commander on report.
US Sub Captain: That commander just saved your ass.
Allan Baxter: Should have done so in a more timely manner.

Charlie Nash: His name's Bison. I've tracked him through eleven major cities on four continents and never come close, not once. This guy walks through the raindrops. Anybody that's against him is either dead, or on their way.

Tango: I'm a cop, B.

Larry Daley: This is the Smithsonian! This is the big leagues!

Solomon Kane: My God. Only you can help me now.

Master Roshi: In an ancient time, Earth was nearly destroyed. Not by man, but by Gods from the sky.

Shawn MacArthur: Where are we going?
Harvey Boarden: You're in a $100,000 dollar Mercedes. Thats where were going.

Surgeon: Who the fuck are you and what do you want?
Tao: I'm the mother fucker that's going to do you, what you've been doing to everybody else.

Wes Wilson: I'll put in my next book. How does that sound?
Isaac: Like having my balls licked by a porcupine.