Factual error: The "US Lead Destroyer" attacked by the megladon is the Iowa class battleship USS Missouri (BB63). (00:29:00 - 00:31:20)

Factual error: Despite the film building to a climax during a total solar eclipse, which requires a New Moon, the film constantly shows a Full Moon, which never changes phase over the weeks the film takes place.

Factual error: The large revolver used by Black Dynamite throughout the film appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 629 Classic. The movie is set in the early 1970s, but this gun was not produced until 1990.

Factual error: In the scenes on Mars, two spherical moons can be seen in the background. However, in reality, the moons of Mars (Phobos & Deimos) are not spherical. Also they are so small, that they would only appear as moving dots in the night sky, not spheres like Earth's moon.

Factual error: During the hometree bombing, the "sky people" throw gas grenades at the N'avi. It's a cool tactic but because of the helicopter blades rotating right above them, the gas would just get blown away therefore making it a useless thing to use in the war.

Factual error: The license plate on the sheriff's car when he arrives at the factory is 5Q49926. In California - where the film seems to take place - that is a "Commercial" license plate issued to trucks and commercial vehicles, but law enforcement are issued "Exempt" plates which are 7 numbers.

Factual error: The part of the movie where they have had the morning updates at the police station, Richard Gere later walks on the sidewalk and stares deliberately at a pair of Muslims praying. The sun is shining on the backs of the Muslims heads indicating that they are facing west even though Mecca would be off to a much more easterly direction from Brooklyn.

Factual error: The credits list several of the characters as "Arab." But the film is set in Afghanistan and the Afghans are not Arabs.

Factual error: Chun-Li's father sets wine on fire. This is not possible because the alcohol content is not high enough.

Factual error: It seems unlikely Zoe could take a knife to the head which pierced her brain and lived without consequences. She would've probably died or have a permanent injury like frontal lobe epilepsy.

Factual error: In the scene near the start of the film where Lai Lai gets off the train and looks at the card for the hotel it shows the first part of the postcode as 'M14' but the hotel is in Middlesbrough where postcodes start with 'TS' - M14 would be in Manchester.

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie, during the "news" clips, it is stated that the Dreads have reservations near major cities. They show a map of North America, and have indicated some places in Canada that have reservations. Unfortunately, most of the locations shown are not near any major cities, and in fact most shown are in the middle of nowhere. The vehicles throughout the movie are current to modern day, not even showing any new models that were released in 2010, so it is safe to assume the movie takes place in the near future. It is not at all conceivable that major cities in Canada would spring up in the next few years for the locations shown on the map.