Best sci-fi TV mistake pictures of 2008

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More Batman: The Brave and the Bold mistake pictures

Power Hungry - S1-E5

Visible crew/equipment: When they're transporting Joseph Meegar out of the building and into the ambulance, you can see the reflection of the boom mike on the open car door, (the car Charlie is putting Mr. Fischer into). (00:41:00)


More Fringe mistake pictures

Hindsight: Part 2 - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: After the POV shot of Domino's sniper scope pulls up, a billboard with Magneto on it is on the right side of the screen, over a building with a red roof. When the shot changes, Domino is perched at the bottom left of the same billboard. If she was perched there, then the billboard could not have been to her right when she raised the sniper scope. Additionally, the roof of the building is now white. It's not a separate billboard on a different building either, because the waterfront and docks are the same angle respective to the first shot of the billboard and the shot of Domino loading the magazine into the gun. (00:18:19 - 00:18:42)


More Wolverine and the X-Men mistake pictures

Storm Over Ryloth - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: When the three Jedi Cruisers are shown after a vulture droid crashes into the Resolute's bridge, the one on the left, the Defender, has had one of its two bridges destroyed. After a cut to a different shot, the next shot of the three ships as they turn to retreat has the Defender with both bridges intact. (00:06:28)


More Star Wars: The Clone Wars mistake pictures

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