Plot hole: Just after the shootout in the grocery store, Wesley's dad nearly runs him over in the pet truck. Before this, it seemed as though he may have wanted to kill him, but he just hadn't gotten a clear shot. It's highly doubtful that he would have trusted Fox, his enemy, to swipe Wesley into the car literally one second before he would have been plowed by the truck. Being the best assassin in the entire Brotherhood, there's no reason to think that he could act careless at a time like this, especially when doing so could easily cost the life of his son.

Plot hole: Rhona Mitra is told she can't fly into Scotland because it's a "no fly zone." But it's all part of the UK, and she's being sent in as part of a UK government operation. The only group enforcing the no fly zone would be the UK government, so they could send her in via whatever means they like.

Plot hole: In the large chase scene, Frank hits the shoulder at 140kph (~85mph) but the car doesn't shake, slide, or act in any way like it should. Later, when he's moving around 220kph (~135mph), he somehow manages to end up on two wheels. To top it all of when he ends up between the semis he appears to be moving just barely faster than them which would mean he had to slow down somewhere. When his wheels make contact with the one semi the car doesn't jump or skip as expected because it's not moving very fast compared to the semi. I know this scene is for effect, but they could at least attempt to make it somewhat based on real physics.

Plot hole: At the end of the movie we discover that the main character (Claire) was in the plane crash and was sitting next to Eric as the plane started to go down. However at the beginning of the movie( before we are supposed to know Claire was in the crash) Eric can be seen but Claire is not next to him. (00:01:10 - 01:19:20)

Plot hole: In the scene where Speedman and Lazarus are discussing their acting and Lazarus tells him to never go full retard. It shows these two leading the group, however they stop and talk for quite a while, and the rest of the group are nowhere to be seen until Speedman and Lazarus start moving again. The group finally caught up with them. If at this time, Speedman was still leading the way with the map, how could the group even find these two after being left behind enough distance that this conversation could take place?

Plot hole: Blackbird and Ritchie fake their deaths in order to lure Wayne and Carmen out of hiding. What was the point of pursuing Wayne and Carmen? The only reason they wanted the couple dead was to prevent them from testifying. The problem is .if Blackbird and Ritchie were "dead", the case would be CLOSED. Carmen and Wayne wouldn't be testifying anyway. So why go to the trouble of killing them? It makes no sense.

Plot hole: At the wine mixer, where Dale is working as a chef , there is a band playing on stage. The drum kit used is the exact same drum kit (chimes and all) as Dale's, as seen in the house. If a band was hired to play they would have certainly brought their own equipment, and there is no way Dale would have brought his personal kit to the event, for somebody else to play. Dale ends up playing this drum kit anyway, when the band walks off and Brennan sings.

Plot hole: After Ben loses the money and he and Mickey get into a fight, Ben talks the rest of the MIT players to risk their own money and take all of the reward instead of giving 50% of the take to Mickey. Kianna says they need at least 100 grand to play - where did they get this money from? The movie leads you to believe that Ben lost all of Mickey's money on their first night there, so they have no winnings with them. Ben's money is back in his dorm room, and you could assume the rest of them don't all have bank accounts with cash sitting in them for IRS reasons.

Plot hole: This observation regards a computer whose memory architecture is on a physical scale (e.g., size) that allows multiple humans to enter and maneuver within it. With electronic components, scale imposes a design limitation such that the greater the distance between components, the more time is required for a signal to traverse between components. This computer's massive size would assure substantial performance limitations which are inconsistent with the plot line of the computer's overall power.

Plot hole: Ami's arm was sliced off, and the wound went untreated (you can tell it was not cauterized in later scenes) for a number of hours before it was stitched up. All this time, we see her loosing ludicrous amounts of blood. Yet, Miki looses her foot, and dies of blood loss only a few minutes later, despite her wound and blood loss being much less severe than Ami's. An inconsistency in the style done solely for dramatic purposes.

Plot hole: After Eli's guardian is hospitalised for acid-burning his face, Eli hears on the radio that they can't ID him because of his facial wounds. When we see him in the hospital however, only half his face is injured, the other half is fine which would make a mirror composite easy for lab techs.

Plot hole: Ben is shown riding his motorcycle around Radium Hot Springs, BC, and the narrator says after riding six hours he was cold and wet. The next scene shows him checking into a hotel in Banff, AB. It makes no sense for him to ride from Banff to Radium, then back almost 2 hours to Banff over the mountain pass when he's cold and wet. There are plenty of hotel rooms, even at peak season, in Radium and Invermere, BC. He was not riding at peak season. During the whole movie, the point is to head west. The scene supposed to occur the next day shows him taking a photo at the Continental Divide, which is between Radium and Banff, meaning he *was* heading west, so it makes no sense to double back to Banff.

Plot hole: When Brian is on the boat, we see 3 girls from the auction being ushered into the sheikh's stateroom. He eliminates all the bodyguards, the last of who is the leader with the knife, and who is the only person who knows which of the girls is Kimmi. When Brian enters the stateroom, the sheikh is holding her at gunpoint. How did he know she was Brian's daughter?
Suggested correction: This is a question, not a plot hole. It is possible the man who bought Kim at the auction had to explain to his boss, the sheikh, why he bought her. He probably told him about the troubles he has had and the possibility that this man is still searching for his daughter, the girl in front of him. Hearing the fighting going on the sheikh correctly assumes this is the same man and tries to use her as a shield against him when he enters and threatens her with a knife.
Don't think so - lot of probable's. The Sheik's right-hand man would have assumed Brian was dead as St Clair's men had captured him, but he spotted him on the boat and only told his boss he would 'kill the dog', not which girl he had come for. Agree correction - she was held by knife-point.
He bought a girl he was not instructed to buy, for a lot of money. Of course he had to explain that to the Sheikh.
Not a plot hole, not even a contrivance. The sheik just grabbed whichever girl that was with him. It didn't matter who she was, it was just a case of "let me go or 'll kill this random, innocent girl." The fact that it was Kim was a simple coincidence (1 in 3 chance).
Suggested correction: There's nothing to suggest that the sheikh did know. He just grabbed one of the girls to use as a "shield". It didn't matter to him if it was Brian's daughter. We only place significance on the act because we know it's her, and humans like to find meaning in things.

Plot hole: When Will is on the airplane talking to his mom, there's a knock at her front door and she says, "There are men in suits here". However, when we see her open the front door, it's covered in thick frosted glass which would make it impossible for her to determine what the people were wearing.

Plot hole: At the beginning of the movie, Lady Sarah Ashley's husband is killed before Nullah rides to Faraway Downs. There he sees Sarah go into the home and find her dead husband. This would mean that somebody had to recover his body and transport it to Faraway Downs faster than Nullah, who went straight there following the murder.