Best horror movie quotes of 2008

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Repo! The Genetic Opera picture

Nathan Wallace: I'm the monster. I'm the villain. What perfection. What precision! Keen incisions, I deliver. Unscathed organs, I deliver. Repossession, I deliver. I'm the Repo! Legal assassin!

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The Ruins picture

Eric: [holds phone to ear] Can you hear me now?
Amy: Not funny Eric, it's like a 20 mile hike I'm gonna do in flip-flops!

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More The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor quotes
The Cottage picture

David: She all right?
Peter: She's still unconscious.
David: That's chlorophyll for you.

More The Cottage quotes
The Midnight Meat Train picture

Driver: I envy you.

More The Midnight Meat Train quotes
Saw V picture

Jigsaw: Hello, Agent Strahm. If you're hearing this, then you've finally found what you've been looking for. But is the discovery of my body enough? Or will your insatiable hunger to uncover the truth push you deeper into the abyss? Heed my warning: do not proceed. For this room can either be you sanctuary, or it can be your grave. The choice is yours.
Agent Strahm: Fuck you.

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More Quarantine quotes
Let the Right One In picture

Eli: I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time.

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Passengers picture

Eric: What is scary about commitment is that your life becomes real. It is not a plan, it is not what you had hoped for - it is real.

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Prom Night picture

Crissy Lynn: If he were any dumber, I'd have to water him.

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Mirrors picture

Michael Carson: Don't be scared, mommy. He just wants to come play with us.

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Lost Boys: The Tribe picture

Edgar Frog: Let's get one thing straight, I hate fucking vampires.

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The Strangers picture

Kristen: What are you thinking?
James Hoyt: Since we've been here, I haven't heard a dog bark... or a car pass. Nothing. Just us and them.

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Starship Troopers 3: Marauder picture

Johnny Rico: Situation, lieutenant.
Link Manion: Totally, ominously fucked up, sir.

More Starship Troopers 3: Marauder quotes
Day of the Dead picture

Doctor Logan: Great. A driver without keys and a soldier without bullets. It must be my fucking birthday. What's with you two?
Bud Crain: You know what? It's complicated, okay, pal?
Sarah Bowman: How did you get here?
Doctor Logan: Taxi.
Bud Crain: Great. Well, you're nominated to go out and hail us another one.

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One Missed Call picture

Leann Cole: That's not my ringtone.

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Splinter picture

Lacey Belisle: Speed up, or I will blow a hole in you big enough to watch TV through.

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The Eye picture

Dr. Paul Faulkner: We see what we look at. But the way we see things is affected by what we know.

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Shutter picture

Benjamin Shaw: I'm not your fucking father.

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