Easter egg: (Blu-ray) On Disk 1, open the "Extras" submenu and highlight "BD-Live". Press the Right arrow/button and a wire-frame of Iron Man will appear below it. Press the Enter button and a brief behind-the-scene vignette between Stan Lee and Robert Downey Jr. will appear.

Easter egg: This Easter Egg is on the second page on the Extras DVD. At the bottom of the page, between the Setup and More buttons, a crown pops up. Clicking on it brings up the Easter Egg. It is called Monster Cam (it shows the scene underground in the How, when the Narnians come up and surprise the Telmarines). There is a camera put in one of the minotaur's heads.

Easter egg: Mess around with your remote controls, until you highlight the W with the 214 value underneath. You will be greeted with a old title test from Summer of 2004, in which was used to pitch the original plot and script for W.A.L.-E (WALL-E).