Continuity mistake: At the beginning, in the scene where Rayne finds two bodies near a small house, she takes out one of her blades. Firstly, she grabs it in a wrong way (the tonfa-like blades should be held under the arm), but when the camera angle changes she holds it properly.

Continuity mistake: After Evans was shot near the end of the movie, Ben Wade jumped out of the train to look at him. If you look over Wade's shoulder, you will see that Nez (the Apache) had already arrived at his spot, and Campos (the Mexican sharpshooter) threw Wade's gun belt to Charlie Prince. After the movie cut a couple of times, Nez was shown walking up, throwing Wade's gun belt to Campos, who then threw it to Charlie Prince.

Continuity mistake: During the conversation between Jesse James and Charley Ford after James has killed Ed Miller and woke Charley in the middle of the night, Charley's right suspender is initially twisted, yet, in the next shot his suspender is flat against his body, and remains so for the rest of the sequence.

Continuity mistake: Pickles is killed by multiple stab wounds to the chest and neck, as well as being scalped. But in the scene where Willa finds him, and when he is seen in his body bag, there is not a drop of blood to be seen anywhere on his face or clothes.