Plot hole: In this movie Goblin was able to sneak up on Peter. But in the previous movies Peter was able to sense danger from quite a distance away; Green Goblin from a few blocks and the train barricade from over a mile.

Plot hole: When Bridgette ran through the glass and Linda and Jim were at the hospital Jim tells Linda he called her mom and told her what happened and she was coming to stay over the next day. Yet apparently her mom forgot what happened because she had her committed because Linda didn't remember what happened to Bridgette's face. Also, Bridgette was like 9. How come no-one just asked her what happened?

Plot hole: Since they took down the telephone network, it would have been impossible for Justin Long to even be speaking to the emergency response woman for the car, much less send a signal to start the car up.
Suggested correction: Is it possible this is a satellite phone call akin to Onstar?
No, the BMW system requires a cell signal to work, which was taken down earlier in the movie.

Plot hole: The admiral receives the news of the stolen aircraft from the general over an open radio, with umpteen enlisted personnel within earshot. However, when the air group commander asks what the OP is about, the admiral tells him that it is on a need-to-know basis.

Plot hole: Spoiler! We find out that "Rogue" is actually Tom Lone, who killed the real Rogue and destroyed his face to prevent identification, then had plastic surgery and went underground to get revenge. But how is the body never identified? Lone was a cop, they'd have blood type, DNA etc. on file, which would have proved the body wasn't his.

Plot hole: The idea that Ben Gates had to run away despite the President's being okay with the kidnapping does not make sense. The President could simply pardon him if necessary. However, when he ran away, he would likely be committing other crimes (fleeing and eluding police, reckless driving, etc.) that would not be federal crimes and so would not be pardonable.
Suggested correction: That's basically what he did at the end. Even though the President was OK with Ben "kidnapping" him, if Ben didn't find the lost city of gold he would have been arrested and charged for kidnapping the President (amongst other charges). However, because Ben was able to find the city the President gave him and his crew a full pardon and explained that it was a misunderstanding.

Plot hole: During the climatic battle in the snow, Lyra Belacqua is about to get shot by one of the soldiers, and Iorek Byrnison comes to her rescue and is able to surprise & kill the soldier. The problems with this is where Iorek appears would have been right in the line of sight of the solider, and bearing in mind that Iorek is VERY big, wearing armour so as not to blend in with the white surroundings, and making lots of noise, it would have been impossible for Iorek to stealthily appear from nowhere.

Plot hole: Laurie calls the police from 1987 Winchester drive, and gives them that address. Yet the police responding to the call go directly to 1960 Winchester drive - where Laurie has run to and is now hiding - even though it's on the other side of the street and several houses down. (01:31:30 - 01:33:40)
Suggested correction: Initially Laurie sends Lindsay across the street, back to the Doyle house to call the police. It's possible Lindsay gave the police the Doyle's address (since that's where she was calling from). Since that call was likely made before Laurie made her call, that explains why the police first show up to the Doyle's house (responding to Lindsay's call) and Bracket shows up minutes later at the Wallace's house (responding to Laurie's call).

Plot hole: To rig blackjack card shuffling machines to make the dealer bust and everyone else get 20 or 21, its success would depend entirely on knowing the exact number of people at the table at that time. Perhaps the filmmaker is assuming all seats at the high-stakes blackjack tables would always be filled during a "soft" opening, but that seems extremely unlikely.

Plot hole: Turner locks himself and Ashley in her car so he can confront her. However after his speech, Turner somehow manages to open the door without unlocking it.
Suggested correction: It is accurate that Turner can open the door without unlocking it, all modern cars can be opened from the inside whether the door is locked or not. Ashley never actually tries to open the door, she reaches for the handle and stops once Turner locks the door. Since the movie never actually shows Ashley try to open the door, this doesn't count as a plot hole. If anything this is a character mistake, Ashley should be well aware that she can't be "locked in" a car that new.

Plot hole: Harry can now see the thestral creatures because he witnessed Cedric Diggory's death in "Goblet of Fire." However, he should have been able to see the thestrals after Professor Quirrell died from Harry's touch in "Philosopher's Stone". Quirrell crumbles into dust (dying) while Harry is still conscious, watching, and fully aware of what he is seeing, thus allowing it to fully sink into his consciousness. Harry faints "after" Quirrell is dead and as Voldemort's spirit passes through his body. Nor does it only have to be a friend or loved one who dies before the thestrals can be seen - it can be anyone, including an enemy like Quirrell. There only has to be an emotional response to the death, which can be love, hate, fear, shock, etc. (In the book, Harry did not see Quirrell die, but that's irrelevant to the film).
Suggested correction: JK Rowling has said that in order to be able to see thestrals the death has to "sink in" psychologically with the person. Which was her explanation for why he couldn't see thestrals even though he witnessed his mother's death. Given Harry's age and the way Quirrell died, it is possible that Quirrell's death didn't have enough of a psychological impact on him to "sink in." After I first personally witnessed a violent death, I didn't feel the impact until a few years later. It can take time.

Plot hole: After Abe is shot, an ambulance shows up, throws Sherry in the back and leaves. There is no way that the paramedics would leave without first speaking to the police on site, making sure that no one else there needed medical help and confirming Abe was dead. I've ridden with an ambulance 4 or 5 times and they never stay at a scene less than 15-20 minutes.

Plot hole: Vanessa seems upset at Barry when their actions at getting the honey back from the humans result in the flowers and other plants dying. One might think that Vanessa, as a florist, would know the outcome and would warn Barry instead of helping him with his plan. Yet she appears to blame him for the entire outcome when it becomes apparent.