Question: Maybe I'm missing something, but why can't Elizabeth just live on Will's boat at the end? Someone suggested it was because she cannot go into Davy Jones' Locker, but she has been there and got out before so why not again? Also, Will's father isn't dead but he can travel with Will, so why couldn't Elizabeth just join his crew?

Question: When Umbridge has Harry, his friends and the Slytherin students in her office, she asks Harry if he was going to warn Dumbledore. When he says he wasn't, she responds by slapping him in the face. In the background, Draco has a look of shock on his face. Considering the fact that he hates Harry, why would he react this way?
Answer: It was probably a mistake. Tom Felton may have flinched by accident.

Question: Throughout Transformer history, has it ever been known who or what was responsible for the creation of the Autobots and Decepticons and for what purpose?
Answer: Primus created the original Thirteen Transformers, later known as the Thirteen Primes, to help him defeat his nemesis, Unicron. The Thirteen Primes were the start of the Cybertronian race, which eventually turned on itself when Megatron, formerly Megatronus, started the War and his Decepticon faction.

Question: Is there going to be a Spider-Man 4? And if so, who would be the villain?
Answer: At one point in time, Sony was set to make "Spider-Man 4" with director Sam Raimi and stars Tobey MacGuire and Kirsten Dunst. However, Raimi was unable to find a script he was satisfied with after many months of working with different writers, and he was having issues with the studio attempting to force the film into a 2011 release date, which he felt wouldn't give him the time he needed to make a quality film. Thus, he and the actors dropped out and the studio instead opted to go ahead with a reboot, in the form of The Amazing Spider-Man.

Question: Whose house was it? The mother mentioned she was not the lady of the house. Was she a caretaker?
Answer: When Captain Hamilton and his troop first arrive he is greeted at the front door by Mrs. MacMorrow, Kirstie and Angus. He then says, "The housekeeper, Mrs. MacMorrow, is making all the arrangements," whereupon he realizes HQ failed to notify her of their arrival. Then Mrs. MacMorrow says, "When Lord Killin went off to the RAF, only a few of us stayed on here...I'm afraid I really would need Lord Killin's permission." Later it is also made clear that the shed (where Angus hangs out and Lewis Mowbray stays) was used by his father, who was a caretaker on Lord Killin's estate.

Question: What happened to the previous CIA director in The Bourne Supremacy who was replaced by Erza Kramer in The Bourne Ultimatum?
Chosen answer: The script of The Bourne Supremacy actually calls Martin Marshall the "Deputy Vice-Director" of the CIA, although in the same script and film dialog, Landy refers to him as "Director Marshall". So it appears Kramer is CIA Director in all the Bourne films, but Marshall is either acting Director in Kramer's absence or is just referred to as a Director.

Question: Did anyone else notice how much more blue Sue's eyes seemed to be in this movie than the first? Was that a mistake or intentional?
Answer: I would assume that the director wanted to make her appear closer to the comic book Sue...this would also explain how blonde her hair is in this film.

Question: The captain of the first Icarus is insane, burned worse than Freddy Krueger, and his crew has been dead conceivably for 7 years. How is he even alive still without medical care, let alone able to attack and murder members of the second Icarus crew? Insanity doesn't bar one from infection or organ failure.
Answer: Actually, there is a perfectly logical explanation for Pinbacker being on the Icarus II: he went through the airlock while the team was searching the ship and sabotaged the connection from there.
Answer: It is implied that Pinbacker's dedication to his mission to destroy humanity allows him to ignore his injuries. It must also be pointed out that Pinbacker was intentionally designed by director Danny Boyle to break the "realism" of the film. His survival is intended to be almost supernatural. Note that there is no possible way Pinbacker could have made it from Icarus I to Icarus II, but he does somehow and it's never explained.

Question: It's obvious that both Giselle and Edward know that jumping back into the sewer will get them back to where they came from, so why doesn't Giselle jump back in right away when she is first tossed into New York?
Answer: Obviously, Giselle didn't know. She was shoved into the wishing well by the hag and had no idea what had happened to her. Edward, being familiar with his stepmother's magic, was better prepared.

Question: Why does Charming claim to be the "rightful king of Far Far Away"? He is not in the hereditary line of succession and failed to marry Fiona, which is the relationship that made Shrek an heir.
Answer: He was arrogant and narcissistic, who believed the throne was his because he was a prince, charming and handsome. A legend in his own mind.

Question: Not saying I'm an expert on time travel, but when Goob and 'Doris' submit the Memory Scanner as their own, shouldn't Doris immediately vaporize much like she did when Lewis said he wouldn't invent her, seeing as Lewis is still theoretically in the future and wouldn't be present in the past to invent Doris?

Question: When Peter pauses the world, the dwarf is easily seen making an expression. How come?
Chosen answer: This is nothing more than a lame "breaking the fourth wall" gag. Basically, by making the expression the dwarf is showing that all of the actors are just standing still, as opposed to being really frozen.

Question: When does the song "I Learned From You," play in the movie?
Answer: It is the first song over the credits, the second is "A Place for us".

Question: Alexander shoots the moose with a rather rapid fire action: it sounds as if the rifle is semi-automatic. What was the true story, and why did Alexander specifically ask for a a cal .22 rifle? Was it because he planned to hunt small game, and knew that a heavier rifle/calibre would be unsuitable? To plan for moose hunting, he would choose something like cal.308.
Answer: Having read Krakauers book: The rifle was a .22 Remington scoped semiautomatic. Accounts at the time mention that this may not have been the best choice, and it is clear that McCandless did not have enough experience to live in the wild, although it is impressing enough that he managed to survive for 16 weeks.
Answer: From the point of view of the Dutchman, Bootstrap is dead enough to serve on the ship. The idea is that Jones rescues people who would otherwise simply have drowned and makes them serve on his ship in lieu of death; as such, they can be considered technically deceased. Elizabeth has been into the Locker, yes, but with the demise of Jones, the Locker may not even exist any more. Will's task is to escort the dead into the afterlife, not the Locker - while Elizabeth survived the Locker, the afterlife may be something entirely different. The rules regarding the Dutchman and the duties of her crew are never spelled out, but it seems that, no, Elizabeth cannot live on her.
Tailkinker ★