Other mistake: When Frenzy attacks Sam, the teenager wears straight leg jeans with a narrow leg opening (not boot cut) and thick-soled Nikes, seen in numerous shots, as he kicks at the Decepticon. After the cut to Mikaela (who finds the reciprocating saw), during which Frenzy has already pulled off the bottom of Sam's jeans, Sam continues to kick and scream just before he gets up and runs. Problem is Sam still wears both thick-soled Nikes, neither of which slipped off as Frenzy maniacally pulled the jeans, with narrow leg openings, from his kicking legs/feet. Impossible even in the best of circumstances.

Other mistake: Where does the fire in the gas pipes come from? Even though a lot of gas - and thereby pressure - is directed towards the power station, why do they blow up under ground far away from the power station?

Other mistake: In the sequence where Bo is taking his driving test, the driving instructor is shown fumbling to put on his seatbelt three times, all of which are from the same piece of film. (00:00:45 - 00:02:45)

Other mistake: The dead blonde whose "throat was slit" is shown up-close twice (once in real time and once in a crime photo) and her neck is unharmed, with blood only underneath her head.

Other mistake: Near the end of the movie, an order is given to fire a cannon shot at the masts of the Pearl and the Dutchman as they have become entangled. We then see a mast being destroyed by the shot but when the ships separate, not one of them has a broken mast.

Other mistake: The FSB uniformed guards in tactical gear have stencils on the back that are lettered incorrectly. The Cyrillic F and B are correct, but the Cyrillic S looks like a C not a backwards C as shown in the movie. (01:09:45)

Other mistake: In the beginning of the film where the truck with the machine gunner and the driver is shot, the truck goes out of the road and falls over, but there is no machine gunner falling of the cargo area nor is there any driver falling out from the truck.

Other mistake: At the beginning of the New York chase sequence where Bourne is walking down the street, you can see an Asian man smiling right into the camera for a second.

Other mistake: When Martin Freeman punches in the numbers on the telephone to call Steve Coogan, the numbers he enters are not shown on the telephone's screen.

Other mistake: In the scene where Dr. Isaacs is in the teleconference with the Umbrella Board of Directors, there are several glasses of water sitting in front of each individual hologram. At the end of the teleconference, the holograms of the board members disappear, but none of the glasses follow suit. This tells us that the glasses of water were physically in the room with Dr. Isaacs, for absolutely no reason, given all the other attendees weren't really there. (00:17:40)

Other mistake: Considering Peter's strength and anger plus power of the symbiote, there is no way that Mary Jane would be completely unscathed after he accidentally hit her.

Other mistake: In one shot, a man is leaning over Feng and speaking in Chinese to him. The woman sitting next to Feng translates and says that it means the man has to go to the bathroom. Feng explains where it is and sits down. After, it switches shots to show the man leaving Feng's "throne" in the backround and sitting down, not going to the bathroom.

Other mistake: During the battle in the cavern, the (almost) bald Indian Warrior helping Ghost is stabbed by a Viking and dies in Ghost's hands. When Ghost kills the Viking and continues on, you can see the Indian Warrior still breathing. (Timecode refers to the European Extended Edition). (01:01:55 - 01:02:55)

Other mistake: In the bedroom scene before Dan Evans leaves his family, there are two petroleum lamps attached to the wall and lit up although there is still daylight. Given their financial distress, they would have never done anything like this. Moreover, the light is not flickering because the film crew used light bulbs.

Other mistake: There's a scene where they turn a wheel to control the flow of water into a much larger chamber. The cavern that is presumably completely filled with water (water is dripping off the ceiling) is massive. The flow from the smaller chamber into the cavern is relatively small. They enter moments after stopping the flow to find the cavern is drained. It should A) either take the cavern a very long time to drain or B) the cavern should never have been fully filled with water.

Other mistake: After Dark Superman kills Toyman, someone calls Lois and tells her that. She answers the phone and says "Lane... HE DID WHAT!?" She responds to the news way too quickly. There wasn't even enough time for the person on the other end to say anything, much less inform Lois that Superman killed someone. (00:48:55)

Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie, a sniper is preparing to assassinate the Chinese Ambassador, who he has in the cross-hairs of his rifle. After the shot is fired, we see the sniper rappelling down the side of the building, which is at least 17-18 stories tall. When Jackie Chan jumps out of the building across the street, we see that he and the ambassador were on the bottom floor, far back from the window. There is no way the sniper, from that angle, would be able to see his target in his sights.

Other mistake: When Mike rams up the backside of the challenger, the girl driving the car loses control and turns hard towards the left, the front tires aren't pointing forward down the road so there was no way she would have recovered from this. In the following shot after her closeup she's driving straight. (01:33:40)

Other mistake: When Wray goes to save Cherry from the hospital, he puts on latex gloves to stab the infected. But after he gets Cherry, he stabs a zombie with his bare hands. (00:51:15 - 00:53:25)