Character mistake: When they arrive at the motel, the mother says that the grandpa is in room 13, but when he opens his door it is room 208.

Character mistake: In the training room, after Randall is discussed as the record holder, the students are brought to attention. All but one is standing at attention, he is in the back on the right hand side, standing at ease.

Character mistake: During the meeting between Langdon, Sophie and Sir Teabing, Teabing refers to Scatoma as "the mind seeing what it wants to see." Scatoma refers to a partial loss of vision. He probably meant to use Pareidolia, which refers to seeing patterns that are not really there.

Character mistake: The bank robbers send out a hostage and put a drawer around his neck with a note. The drawer is bugged and the bank robbers can monitor the police. The police just leave the drawer lying around on the table for half of the movie inside their mobile headquarters. This drawer should be in a forensic laboratory being checked for fingerprints and similar.

Character mistake: When McConaughey and Fox are at West Virginia University to ask their coaches for help with their offense, McConaughey is shown talking while looking at his reflection in a football trophy. At first his reflection shows him talking out of the left side of his mouth, but then he quickly switches to talking out of the right side of his mouth as he does throughout the entire rest of the movie.

Character mistake: When Nicholas Cage bumps into the beehive, he sees the bees coming towards him and runs towards all the other beehives. Given that he bumped into the beehive on the outer edge, it would have been safer, quicker and much less risky to run back the way he came to escape than run towards all the other bee hives. To complicate things Cage knew he was severely allergic to bees.

Character mistake: When the coach is eating a sandwich in the locker room, there is a headline in the paper he's reading that says, "Diamond Backs rattle Timber Wolfs..." Diamondback is one word and the plural of wolf is wolves. (00:45:00)

Character mistake: In the scene where Spider quotes from the Bible to Rocky before the fight, he quotes the verse as Zechariah 4:6 and then quotes the beginning of that verse but the end of another verse, 1st Corinthians 15:57.

Character mistake: At the very beginning, when Haley is in court, the cop says that the property damage from the previous scene looks to be about $14,000. Although we can't expect a cop to know the true cost of the property, the only things damaged were the large window and maybe the metal framework supporting it. The window couldn't be any more than $1000.

Character mistake: The Daily Mirror, at the beginning of the movie, reports the fatal accident of the soccerplayer with the spelling "fatale".

Character mistake: During the funeral at the end before the 21 gun salute, the NCOIC called for "half left face", that would cause everyone to get shot in the face.
Suggested correction: Half-left face means a 45° left turn (left face is a 90° turn), so wouldn't result in anyone getting shot.

Character mistake: On the refrigerator is a letter from the Department of Defence - Defense is misspelled.

Character mistake: Lucy says the source of the quote "To err is human" as Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Man." The quote actually originates from Pope's earlier work, "An Essay on Criticism."