Question: What ever happened to Bernard? He is non-existent in this movie and nobody seems to notice.
Answer: He was on another show at the time, but was also 28 years old. And while he pushes the limits of being the childlike elf in the first two movies, he was most likely too old for the role in the third.

Question: If Billy's mom hated him and her husband then why not leave? That and why not kill Billy instead of imprisoning him?
Answer: Billy's mom is insane and does not possess a fully rational mind.

Question: When Kate Winslet first gets home, she turns on the gas on one of the stove burners (but doesn't light it). As Cameron Diaz starts talking with her via the Internet, two of the burners are on, and she gets up and turns one of them off. If I'm not wrong, the other remains on and because of the fireplace would end up setting her house on fire. Or it might just be that the other burner was already on and burning to heat something. Could anyone please give a more certain answer about that?
Answer: David Krumholtz (Benard) is busy on his show "Numb3rs" on CBS and is committed to that so he didn't return for The Santa Clause 3. I guess they could have explained his absence, but the filmakers decided not to. They simply promoted Curtis since he was in the 2nd movie.
Carl Missouri