Question: If the bus driver saw Dana choking Roy on the bus, why didn't she say or do anything about it? Also, if Roy got in trouble for breaking Dana's nose, why didn't Dana himself get in trouble for choking Roy?
Answer: A straightforward answer is because these events happened in the context of a movie and the writer simply did not have the bus driver respond or Dana get in trouble. Only the writer could tell you why. If these events happened in the real world, there are several possible answers. The bus driver's job description may not have a provision to discipline students. Her primary duty is driving the bus in a safe manner to get the kids home safely. A driver must watch the road and traffic, not passengers. Her quick glance in the rear view mirror would not enable her to see all that transpired. To take action would involve stopping the bus and getting off schedule; the kids would get home late and their parents would be worried waiting for the bus. Maybe she just didn't want to get involved. She could get injured if she tried to intervene. Bus drivers might get fired if they hurt a student even when breaking up a fight. She may have thought the kids need to stand up for themselves.
Why didn't the bully get in trouble? Maybe because the adults/ school officials thought the broken nose was enough punishment for his behavior. Maybe the bully is a persistent problem and trying to discipline him would only make matters worse. Maybe his parents are just as bad or worse and the school didn't want to deal with them. Maybe no-one reported that the bully started it and was choking Roy because they were afraid of him and didn't want him to retaliate. The bully looked like the victim, not offender. Maybe others thought the bully's home situation was awful and he already had a difficult life and a lot of stress. Maybe the bully has a psychiatric disorder and/or takes medication that increases his aggression. Maybe the adults also think the kids need to work out their differences amongst themselves. Maybe the bully is already under the supervision of the juvenile probation office and - one more offense - would be certified to the adult court and get even worse.

Question: Was the birth scene real? It seemed completely real, and the woman appeared to actually be pregnant earlier in the film.
Chosen answer: No, it wasn't real. Good make-up and acting, that's all.

Question: How did they stay frozen the whole time if they demolished the building? Wouldn't something that can keep a person frozen, require a lot of power? Did they just decide to demolish the building without checking that the power was out? Didn't they put a fudruckers on top of it? How did they remain frozen so long?
Answer: The science in this movie is far-fetched at best. Assumedly the pods had some sort of battery backup for emergencies. If the battery lasted 500 years, we can just assume it was secret government technology.
Answer: Cretaceous, the purplish creature, is an Ichthyosaur. Maelstrom, the greenish creature, is a Pliosaur.