Question: How does Don Self know that Miriam should work at Gate when nobody knew about the location of Scylla? Or Whistler wanting to work there?
Answer: Because Miriam was an agent.
But that still doesn't make sense because nobody knew where Scylla was.
He knew that GATE was mentioned in the bird book. He worked with Whistler and had probably discussed GATE with him, so it was clear enough that it was a big part of the plan to get Scylla. Sending an agent to work there in any position would've been a big help for intel, as she could assess the environment and perhaps uncover what Whistler's plan was. He didn't anticipate T-bag's hijacking of the plan, hence why he sent Miriam and not a more combat-trained agent. She was only there for information.

Question: Why did Sam just stand there and watch Dean get turned into a vampire? And then smile about it?

Question: The crew takes a private jet to most locations but always have the same black S.U.V.s. How do the vehicles get there as fast as the crew?
Chosen answer: Black SUVs are common police, military and dignitary vehicles around the world. It is not too much to assume they could be rented or owned by the police forces in the areas.
Other people have explained it but fore more information, federal cars would most likely be brought to the airport from the nearest agency, so they can drive out to their locations especially in rural situations.
Answer: There is only one BAU (or that's the impression the show gives, in reality there's 5 teams within the BAU), and they're based out of Quantico. However, the FBI has 56 field offices, each with their own vehicles leased from the over 200,000 vehicles that make up the Federal motor fleet. There are long term leases to federal agencies on these cars, in addition to there always being vehicles being made available to lease on an ad hoc basis for assignments. Plus, local and state police likely also have their own unmarked fleets, but due to the vehicles being mostly the same make/model/color in most episodes, they'd likely be borrowed from the nearest field office or other local federal office or ad hoc leased from the fleet for the assignment.

Question: In a few episodes, the FBI agents will walk into a room and say "smell that?" and the reply is "shots fired", supposedly because they can smell the distinct odor of burnt gunpowder. Then they'll look behind a desk and find a dead body in a pool of blood. But wouldn't the smell of a dead person, or the blood, be way more overpowering? Or would it take too long for a dead body to start to smell? And how long would the smell of gunfire in an enclosed room last?
Answer: Don Self actually worked with Whistler before he died. And Whistler with the bird book actually knew where Scylla was.