Audio problem: At the cemetery, as Harry lies on the ground, when Voldemort leans over him and says, "If they speak of you they'll speak only of how you begged for death," in the shot facing Harry, before Voldemort continues to speak, his mouth still moves, though nothing is heard. (01:27:25)
Audio problem: When the deer are all grunting at Rachel and Aidan, the whistle of an elk can be heard despite the fact there are no elk in the scene. (00:30:40)
Audio problem: When Chelsea is screaming "Liar! Liar! Liaar!!" to her mother, Kathy, in one shot we see Chelsea's mouth still saying "liar," but no audio is heard. (00:47:05)
Audio problem: When John Rivers is installing his new audio equipment, he says to his son "So you can watch your favourite show and I can watch my favourite show". John's mouth movements don't match what he is saying.
Audio problem: When the main character is talking to the American businessman near the end of the movie, when the businessman says "I mean did you do it real slow?" you can tell that his mouth does not match the words he is saying.
Audio problem: When Owen says, "Be quiet, I'm trying to work on this story. It's due tomorrow," you can hear him typing, but there is nothing written on the screen.
Audio problem: In the scene when Grandma is at the tournament (but not yet skiing), in the cuts when the band isn't visible, if you listen closely, the lead singer isn't singing. (01:05:05)