Factual error: We are told at some point that Nicole Kidman has dual nationality because she was born in the US. In the final scene, when she is talking with Sean Penn about her future steps, she says she has been deported and given one day to leave the country. She was a US citizen, so it is impossible that she would be "deported".

Factual error: When Yuri is narrating about selling weapons for the US government (this was around the scene when he sells M-16's by the kilo), he mentions Lieutenant Colonel Southern. However, when you see the him, he has Colonel rank, which is a silver eagle. The Lieutenant Colonel rank is a silver leaf, not an eagle.

Factual error: In the penitentiary, the guards should be wearing a United States flag patch since it is a federal penitentiary, not the Texas flag patch. (00:08:45)
Suggested correction: Paul Crewe was arrested by local police and not charged with a Federal crime, therefore he would have been incarcerated in a State Prison, not a Federal Penitentiary.
But the prison is named Allenville Federal Penitentiary so they should be wearing American flag patches and not state patches.
If he was arrested in California by local cops, why would he be incarcerated in a Texas State Prison and not a California State Prison?
He was arrested by locals but under Federal probation for shaving points. He went to Federal prison for probation violation.
He violated his federal probation. He would have been initially charged by the local district attorney, but the feds would also charge him due to the probation violation, and the local charges would be dropped.

Factual error: When Wood's character and the gang go to the match which is supposed to be between West Ham United and Birmingham City the teams we actually see in the football action shots are West Ham United and Gillingham.

Factual error: In the shot where the laser sights of the assailants come in through the windows and holes in the wall, their angles are far too different from each other. The shooters are standing at a rather great distance from the structure and at more or less the same height. All the laser sights should have more or less the same direction and certainly not make a sweeping motion inside the room. (00:37:30)

Factual error: Stone sneaks aboard the USS Independence (CVA-62) to investigate the bad guy's arms cache..yet, when he dives into the water, he is jumping off the USS Hornet (CVS-12). (00:50:35 - 00:57:45)

Factual error: Halfway into the film, a scene shows Capote talking on a beige telephone. The receiver is a modular (plug in) type. Modular phones were not introduced until after 1966. The time frame for this movie is 1959 through 1963. All other scenes in this movie show the correct type of receiver (wired, not plug-in).

Factual error: When Marv is talking with the Priest in the confessional, he cocks the hammer of his pistol as a means of interrogation. But in the next shot, the pistol is uncocked, without sufficient time for this to occur. In fact, the pistol is uncocked even when Marv shoots him. This cannot happen, since his pistol is a standard 1911 .45, which requires the hammer to be cocked in order to fire.

Factual error: During the credits, as the house is shown, a paper wasp nest is shown hanging from the eaves. Crawling all over it are honeybees, which do not live in paper nests.

Factual error: The registration plate of the white Jaguar refers to a year 2003 registration. This is impossible as this particular model Jaguar ceased production a long time ago, and could never have that plate.

Factual error: After crashing headfirst into the water, the airplane is not damaged "correctly" at the end of the movie. The front shows little damage, when it should be crushed and the back has come apart, despite taking the least amount of impact from the hit.

Factual error: When Jeff Tally gets the first call from the little boy Tony, he checks both his cells. The blue Nokia is ringing however there isn't an incoming call on his phone, you see that as he has the two options, either "clear" and "options", meaning that the seven numbers have been typed in. (00:45:00)

Factual error: When Dick robs the store, a sign on the cash register reads "You must be born after this date in 1983 to buy beer." Since the legal drinking age is 21, that would mean the movie is set in 2004. However, the film states that the year is 2000.

Factual error: The bat signal at the end of the film defies physics. The spotlight is a few feet across and is projecting the signal onto clouds far above. To do this, the light beam should get wider as it climbs up (like a flashlight's beam aimed at the ceiling). Yet the shot of the clouds shows rays of light getting wider as they go downward, like sun rays through the clouds. For this to exist, there's either a bat signal floating far above and through the clouds, or the one on the roof needs to be several miles wide, focusing a beam that narrows as it climbs. (02:09:15)

Factual error: When Domino is talking about when her dad took her to the fair and won her a goldfish, she states this is 1993, but in the flashback of the stall where she won said fish, there are lots of "Finding Nemo" toys hung around the stall. This film did not come out till 2004.

Factual error: The night the episode takes place is described to have freezing rain with very icy road conditions. Vic describes the roads to Charlie as a "hockey rink" in one of their conversations, Charlie loses control of his car and slides off the road in one scene, and he slips on an ice patch and falls flat on his back in another. However, throughout the night, there are rather large drops of rain falling and puddles with unfrozen water on the roadways and parking lots. Being from upstate New York, I can tell you that freezing rain falls in much smaller droplets, and ice will accumulate wherever there is any water on the ground, not just in some places.

Factual error: In the movie, Marcus is out of high school, probably in his late teens, early 20's. Going by 50 cent's age, this would probably put the movie back in the mid 90's. When he flashes back, he's younger, put it in the late 80's. Well, in one sequence when he's young, he's playing with friends and has on red and white low Air Jordan 2's on. These were not made in this color until 2004. Same in another sequence when he's talking to Majestic while eating fast food, he's wearing some white and green Air Jordan 4's, which also didn't come out til 2004, which in fact is when the movie was filmed.

Factual error: The two loanshark brothers meet their contact at night at Hoover Dam. The dam closes at dark, and is HIGHLY guarded by tight security, due to all the terrorist concerns in the USA. There is no way those men would have been allowed in. Points of interest: http://www.usbr.gov/lc/hooverdam/service/index.html. (00:27:25)

Factual error: We see a solar eclipse take place, yet we also see numerous shots of the moon in which is at least half-full. Some of these lunar shots must be within a couple of days of the eclipse, though it couldn't take less than 7 days for the phase of the moon to change that much.

Factual error: Clyde is in the shop buying batteries for his microphones. The microphones we see later, are Shure studio microphones that do not use batteries. Batteries are very rarely used in studio microphones.