Factual error: Bree is on hormones up until the day of her surgery. In reality, estrogen can't be taken for several weeks beforehand because it increases the risk of blood clots.
Factual error: In Bridget's scrimmage scene she dribbles the ball all the way down the field to score a goal. However, the defenders of the other team were running away from her. In a real soccer game of that level the defenders would have been all over Bridget.
Factual error: The night the episode takes place is described to have freezing rain with very icy road conditions. Vic describes the roads to Charlie as a "hockey rink" in one of their conversations, Charlie loses control of his car and slides off the road in one scene, and he slips on an ice patch and falls flat on his back in another. However, throughout the night, there are rather large drops of rain falling and puddles with unfrozen water on the roadways and parking lots. Being from upstate New York, I can tell you that freezing rain falls in much smaller droplets, and ice will accumulate wherever there is any water on the ground, not just in some places.
Factual error: When Chicken Little is in his bedroom, after he scored during his baseball game, he looks into the spoon he is using as a microphone to see his reflection. He looks into the side that is curved away from you. When you look at that side of a spoon your reflection is upsidedown, but Chicken Little's was right side up.
Factual error: Special Olympics tryouts for the Nationals take place at least a year before the Games, not a few days before as portrayed in the film.
Factual error: When a young Steve Mills is struggling for conversation topics with Lisa in 1962, he comments that her black eye makes her look like the Tareyton commercial. However, those "I'd rather fight than switch" ads weren't aired until late 1964.
Factual error: The two loanshark brothers meet their contact at night at Hoover Dam. The dam closes at dark, and is HIGHLY guarded by tight security, due to all the terrorist concerns in the USA. There is no way those men would have been allowed in. Points of interest: http://www.usbr.gov/lc/hooverdam/service/index.html. (00:27:25)
Factual error: When Nicholas Cage goes home he goes to a building on Wacker Drive. But when he looks out of his window and is looking at Chicago he is a few blocks away at a different building.
Factual error: Holly put a flame up next to a fire sprinkler in an out-of-the-way location, causing the sprinkler to activate. Every fire sprinkler in the building then went off too. This is not possible. Each sprinkler is self-contained and is individually activated by heat. Only sprinklers directly affected by heat will activate.
Factual error: Justin enters a private mail box facility to mail a large "business reply" envelope which requires no postage. The sender just deposits it into any mailbox free of any cost. The PMB facility charged him $3.20, the old rate for Priority Mail.
Factual error: The Swedish girl Ulla keeps saying "God dag, min vännen" as a greeting. Problem is, the grammar is incorrect. "God dag, min vän" means "good day, my friend". "God dag, min vännen", as Ulla says, means "good day, my the friend". "Vännen" is the definite article of the Swedish word for "friend".
Factual error: When Ralph is shooting the final two free throws of the championship game, his feet cross the free throw line before the ball hits the rim. This is a lane violation in the National Federation of High Schools which governs middle and high school sports. The correct call would have nullified both shots and the points they scored.
Factual error: In the last scene of the film when the bike drives through the barb wire it cuts through the girls head higher than the guys even though he's lower down on the bike.
Factual error: In the scene transitioning to the Christmas holidays, a shot of Central Park is shown with Christo and Jeanne-Claude's The Gates, Central Park, New York City, 1979-2005 in the park. However, this display was unfurled on February 12, 2005, after the holidays were over.
Factual error: Eugene Levy brags that one of his children was a U.S. snowboarding champion in the slope style competition. The only snowboarding events that snowboarders compete in nationally are giant slalom and half pipe.
Factual error: Without getting into the physics of the whole thing, there is no way a shotgun, and especially a shotgun with the kind of shells they were using, could knock a full grown man down like that. At worst he would be bruised from the re-coil, or the weapon would fly out of his hand, depending on how he was holding it at the time he fired.
Factual error: In the scene during the first race with Matt Dillon, right after he spins Lindsay Lohan out, she grabs the gear shift. We see "magical electricity" head down the shaft and forward into the engine. But, the engine on Bugs is in the back. In other scenes, it is confirmed that the front hood on Herbie gives access to a trunk and not the engine.
Factual error: If the Vorgon Destructor Ship was as massive as portrayed, then as Ford and Arthur look up at it, it should have been reflected in Ford's shades. Instead, all that is seen is the demolition equipment and open sky.
Factual error: When Fabrizio arrives by ship you can see the cooling water jet coming out of the boat.
Factual error: When Helen is leaving church, she says it's April 25th. In the movie, the year is 2003 (you can tell because she writes dates in her diary). April 25th in 2003 was actually Friday not Sunday.