Easter egg: On the DVD, if you use the Infinite Improbability Drive, you have a chance to see the cartoon that Deep Thought watches. There is no way to access it via menus.
Easter egg: The secret code for the penguins game is sushi.
Easter egg: Go to the end of the special features menu and press down on the "main menu" tab and the zebras ears will change colour. Press enter to see a short with the rooster.
Easter egg: On wide screen version go to upgrades, Highlight commentaries then click left, two wrenches crossed will appear, Then hit enter.
Easter egg: Widescreen DVD Unrated R1: In Special Features, go to the second page with Burt Reynolds' picture. Move down to Main Menu and press up. His ring will highlight and you will see a short film featuring dummies as Bo & Luke.
Easter egg: On the main menu screen, go down to scene selection and go to the right. A small circle will appear on one of the gauges. Press enter and you get a little drawing sequence.
Easter egg: In Special Features, the "Jamie Smiles" video, either click right once or point the mouse below the Special Features heart, and you'll see a musical note. Click it to see Anna in the sound booth.
Easter egg: On the main page, hit left twice when on the "Play Movie" button and a star will appear on the "Go" button to it's left. Press enter and you will see a short Defective Robot Blooper.
Easter egg: Highlight "Extras" and press Up. This will highlight Steven Zahn's head. Press enter to watch a clip with Zahn inside his trailer.